Lista över USA:s nuvarande guvernörer – Wikipedia

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Politik i USA


Denna artikel är en lista över nuvarande guvernörer i USA. Bland delstaterna finns det 26 republikaner och 24 demokrater.

Guvernören i en amerikansk delstat leder den verkställande grenen av delstatsstyret och motsvarar i delstaten funktionellt rollen som presidenten gör i den federala statsmakten.

I alla delstater utlöper guvernörernas mandatperioder i januari utom i Alaska, Hawaii, North Dakota, New York och Kentucky där de löper ut i december valåret. Anmärkningen (max.) efter årtalet indikerar att sittande guvernör ej har möjlighet att söka bli omvald.

När det gäller ålder är Alabamas guvernör Kay Ivey den äldsta guvernören (född 1944) och Arkansas guvernör Sarah Huckabee Sanders är den yngste (född 1982).

Delstat Ämbete Porträtt Nuvarande guvernör Parti Tillträdde Mandatperioden
Alabamas guvernör
Kay Ivey[1] Republikan 10 april 2017 2027 (max.) [2][3]
Alaskas guvernör
Mike Dunleavy Republikan 3 december 2018 2026 (max.) [4][3]
Arizonas guvernör
Katie Hobbs Demokrat 2 januari 2023 2027 [5][3]
Arkansas guvernör
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Republikan 10 januari 2023 2027 [6][3]
Colorados guvernör
John Hickenlooper Jared Polis Demokrat 8 januari 2019 2027 (max.) [7][3]
Connecticuts guvernör
Ned Lamont Demokrat 9 januari 2019 2027 [8][3]
Delawares guvernör
John Carney Demokrat 17 januari 2017 2025 (max.) [9][3]
Floridas guvernör
Ron DeSantis Republikan 8 januari 2019 2027 (max.) [10][3]
Georgias guvernör
Brian Kemp Republikan 14 januari 2019 2027 (max.) [11][3]
Hawaiis guvernör
Josh Green Demokrat 5 december 2022 2026 [12][3]
Idahos guvernör
Brad Little Republikan 6 januari 2019 2027 [13][3]
Illinois guvernör
J. B. Pritzker Demokrat 14 januari 2019 2027 [14][3]
Indianas guvernör
Eric Holcomb Republikan 14 september 2017 2025 (max.) [15][3]
Iowas guvernör
Kim Reynolds Republikan 17 maj 2017 2027 [16][3]
Kaliforniens guvernör
Jerry Brown Gavin Newsom Demokrat 7 januari 2019 2027 (max.) [17][3]
Kansas guvernör
Laura Kelly Demokrat 14 januari 2019 2027 (max.) [18][3]
Kentuckys guvernör
Andy Beshear Demokrat 10 december 2019 2023 [19][3]
Louisianas guvernör
John Bel Edwards Demokrat 11 januari 2016 2024 (max.) [20][3]
Maines guvernör
Janet Mills Demokrat 2 januari 2019 2027 (max.) [21][3]
Marylands guvernör
Wes Moore Demokrat 18 januari 2023 2027 [22][3]
Massachusetts guvernör
Maura Healey Demokrat 5 januari 2023 2027 [23][3]
Michigans guvernör
Gretchen Whitmer Demokrat 1 januari 2019 2027 (max.) [24][3]
Minnesotas guvernör
Tim Walz Demokrat 7 januari 2019 2027 [25][3]
Mississippis guvernör
Tate Reeves Republikan 14 januari 2020 2024 [26][3]
Missouris guvernör
Mike Parson Republikan 1 juni 2018 2025 (max.) [27][3]
Montanas guvernör
Greg Gianforte Republikan 4 januari 2021 2025 [28][3]
Nebraskas guvernör
Jim Pillen Republikan 5 januari 2023 2027 [29][3]
Nevadas guvernör
Joe Lombardo Republikan 2 januari 2023 2027 [30][3]
New Hampshire
New Hampshires guvernör
Chris Sununu Republikan 5 januari 2017 2025 [31][3]
New Jersey
New Jerseys guvernör
Phil Murphy Demokrat 16 januari 2018 2026 (max.) [32][3]
New Mexico
New Mexicos guvernör
Michelle Lujan Grisham Demokrat 1 januari 2019 2027 (max.) [33][3]
New York (delstat)
New Yorks guvernör
Kathy Hochul Demokrat 24 augusti 2021 2026 [34][3]
North Carolina
North Carolinas guvernör
Roy Cooper Demokrat 1 januari 2017 2025 (max.) [35][3]
North Dakota
North Dakotas guvernör
Doug Burgum Republikan 15 december 2016 2024 [36][3]
Ohios guvernör
Mike DeWine Republikan 14 januari 2019 2027 (max.) [37][3]
Oklahomas guvernör
Kevin Stitt Kevin Stitt Republikan 14 januari 2019 2027 (max.) [38][3]
Oregons guvernör
Tina Kotek Demokrat 9 januari 2023 2027 [39][3]
Pennsylvanias guvernör
Josh Shapiro Demokrat 17 januari 2023 2027 [40][3]
Rhode Island
Rhode Islands guvernör
Daniel McKee Demokrat 2 mars 2021 2027 [41][3]
South Carolina
South Carolinas guvernör
Henry McMaster Henry McMaster Republikan 24 januari 2017 2027 (max.) [42][3]
South Dakota
South Dakotas guvernör
Dennis Daugaard Kristi Noem Republikan 5 januari 2019 2027 (max.) [43][3]
Tennessees guvernör
Bill Lee Republikan 19 januari 2019 2027 (max.) [44][3]
Texas guvernör
Greg Abbott Republikan 20 januari 2015 2027 [45][3]
Utahs guvernör
Spencer Cox Republikan 4 januari 2021 2025 [46][3]
Vermonts guvernör
Phil Scott Republikan 5 januari 2017 2025 [47][3]
Virginias guvernör
Glenn Youngkin Republikan 15 januari 2022 2026 (max.) [48][3]
Washington (delstat)
Washingtons guvernör
Jay Inslee Demokrat 14 januari 2013 2025 [49][3]
West Virginia
West Virginias guvernör
Jim Justice Republikan[50] 16 januari 2017 2025 (max.) [51][3]
Wisconsins guvernör
Tony Evers Demokrat 7 januari 2019 2027 [52][3]
Wyomings guvernör
Mark Gordon Republikan 7 januari 2019 2027 (max.) [53][3]

Personerna nedan är guvernörer för respektive USA:s territorier:

Territorium Porträtt Nuvarande överhuvud Parti Tillträdde Mandatperioden
Tidigare Not
Amerikanska Jungfruöarna Amerikanska Jungfruöarna Albert Bryan Demokrat 7 januari 2019 2023 Lista [54][3]
Amerikanska Samoa Amerikanska Samoa Lemanu Peleti Mauga Demokrat[55] 3 januari 2021 2025 Lista [56][3]
Guam Guam Lou Leon Guerrero Demokrat 7 januari 2019 2023 Lista [3]
Nordmarianerna Nordmarianerna Ralph Torres Republikan 29 december 2015 2023 (max.) Lista [57][3]
Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Pedro Pierluisi New Progressive Party 2 januari 2017 2025 Lista [58][3]
Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia, List of current United States governors, 24 juni 2013.
  1. ^ Kay Ivey sworn in as Alabama’s 54th Governor (på engelska), WHNT-TV, läs online.[källa från Wikidata]
  2. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Alabama” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Alabama's executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the executive agencies (known as departments in Alabama). The governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Alabama's governor has no term limits, as long as no more than two terms are consecutive.”
  3. ^ [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc] ”GOVERNORS” (på engelska). National Governors Association. Läst 13 augusti 2021.
  4. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Alaska” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Alaska executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies (known as departments). In Alaska, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Alaska's governor has no term limits.”
  5. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Arizona” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Arizona executive branch consists of the governor, secretary of state, and the state agencies (known as departments). In Arizona, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Arizona's governor has no term limits.”
  6. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Arkansas” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Arkansas executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Arkansas, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Arkansas's governor is limited to two terms for life.”
  7. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Colorado” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Colorado executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies (known as departments). In Colorado, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Colorado's governor has no term limits.”
  8. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Connecticut” (på engelska) (Research Guides). Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Connecticut executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. Connecticut has no term limit for governors.”
  9. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Delaware” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Delaware's executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and executive agencies. The governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms.”
  10. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Florida” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Florida's executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and executive agencies (known as departments). In Florida, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. The governor has no lifetime term limit.”
  11. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Georgia” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Georgia executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and state agencies. In Georgia, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Georgia's governor has no term limits.”
  12. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Hawaii” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Hawaii executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Hawaii, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms and is not subject to term limits.”
  13. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Idaho” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Idaho executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and state agencies. In Idaho, the governor is elected for four-year terms, with no term limits.”
  14. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Illinois” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Illinois executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the executive agencies. The governor is elected to four-year terms with no limits.”
  15. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Indiana” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Indiana executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Indiana, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. The Indiana governor has no term limits.”
  16. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Iowa” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Iowa executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Iowa, the governor is elected to four-year terms with no term limits.”
  17. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. California” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”California's executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the executive agencies. The governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. California's governor is limited to two terms for life.”
  18. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Kansas” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Kansas executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Kansas, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Kansas' governor has no term limits.”
  19. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Kentucky” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Kentucky executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Kentucky, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Kentucky has no term limits for governor.”
  20. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Louisiana” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Louisiana executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and state agencies. In Louisiana, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Louisiana's governor has no term limits.”
  21. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Maine” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Maine executive branch consists of the governor and state agencies. In Maine, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Maine's governor does not have term limits. Maine does not have a lieutenant governor or secretary of state; for the purpose of succession the president of the Maine Senate is next in line after the governor.”
  22. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Maryland” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Maryland executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Maryland, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Maryland's governor has no term limits.”
  23. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Massachusetts” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Massachusetts executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Massachusetts, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Massachusetts' governor does not have term limits.”
  24. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Michigan” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Michigan executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Michigan, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Michigan's governor has a lifetime two-term limit.”
  25. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Minnesota” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Minnesota executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Minnesota, the governor is elected to four-year terms with no term limit.”
  26. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Mississippi” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Mississippi executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Mississippi, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Mississippi's governor is limited to two terms for life.”
  27. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Missouri” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Missouri executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Missouri, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Missouri's governor is limited to two terms for life.”
  28. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Montana” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Montana executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Montana, the governor is elected for four-year terms, and may serve two terms every 16 years.”
  29. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Nebraska” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Nebraska executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Nebraska, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Nebraska's governor has no term limit.”
  30. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Nevada” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Nevada executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Nevada, the governor can be elected for two four-year terms, and is not subject to term limits.”
  31. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. New Hampshire” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The New Hampshire executive branch consists of the governor, executive councilors, and the state agencies. In New Hampshire, the governor is elected to two-year terms with no term limit.”
  32. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. New Jersey” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The New Jersey executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In New Jersey, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. New Jersey's governor does not have term limits.”
  33. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. New Mexico” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The New Mexico executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In New Mexico, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms with no term limits.”
  34. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. New York” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The New York executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In New York, the governor is elected to four-year terms with no term limit.”
  35. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. North Carolina” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”North Carolina's executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the executive agencies. The governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. North Carolina's governor has no term limits.”
  36. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. North Dakota” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The North Dakota executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In North Dakota, the governor is elected to four-year terms with no limit.”
  37. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Ohio” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Ohio executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, auditor of state, secretary of state, treasurer of state, state agencies and departments, and state boards and commissions. In Ohio, the governor is elected to four-year terms with a limit of two consecutive terms.”
  38. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Oklahoma” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Oklahoma executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Oklahoma, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Oklahoma's governor is limited to two terms for life.”
  39. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Oregon” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Oregon executive branch consists of the governor, secretary of state, and state agencies. In Oregon, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. The governor can be elected for two terms every twelve years.”
  40. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Pennsylvania” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Pennsylvania's executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the executive agencies. The governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Pennsylvania's governor has no term limits.”
  41. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Rhode Island” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Rhode Island executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Rhode Island, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Rhode Island's governor has no term limits.”
  42. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. South Carolina” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”South Carolina's executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the executive agencies. The governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. South Carolina's governor has no term limits.”
  43. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. South Dakota” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The South Dakota executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In South Dakota, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms with no term limits.”
  44. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Tennessee” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Tennessee executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Tennessee, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms with no term limits.”
  45. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Texas” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Texas executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Texas, the governor is elected to four-year terms with no limit.”
  46. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Utah” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Utah executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Utah, the governor is elected to four-year terms with no term limit.”
  47. ^ ”CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF VERMONT AS ESTABLISHED JULY 9, 1793, AND AMENDED THROUGH NOVEMBER 2, 2010” (på engelska). Vermont General Assembly. 2 november 2010. Läst 13 augusti 2021.
  48. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Virginia” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Virginia executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Virginia, the governor is elected to four-year terms and is not able to hold office for consecutive terms; there is no overall term limit.”
  49. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Washington” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Washington executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Washington, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Washington's governor has no term limit.”
  50. ^ Justice valdes som demokrat, men bytte till republikanska partiet sex månader in i sin mandatperiod.
  51. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. West Virginia” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The West Virginia executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In West Virginia, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. The West Virginia governor has no term limits.”
  52. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Wisconsin” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Wisconsin executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Wisconsin, the governor is elected to four-year terms with no limits.”
  53. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Wyoming” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Wyoming executive branch consists of the governor, secretary of state, and the state agencies. In Wyoming, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Wyoming's governor can only serve two terms every 16 years.”
  54. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Virgin Islands” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The U.S. Virgin Islands executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the territorial agencies. In the U.S. Virgin Islands, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms.”
  55. ^ Officiellt är guvernören för Amerikanska Samoa en icke-partisk position, men befattningshavare ansluter sig till politiska partier på nationell nivå.
  56. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. American Samoa” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The America Samoa executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the executive cabinet. In American Samoa, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms for life.”
  57. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Northern Mariana Islands” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Northern Mariana Islands executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and executive cabinet. In The Mariana Islands, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms.”
  58. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Puerto Rico” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Puerto Rico's executive branch consists of the governor, secretary of state, and executive agencies (referred to as departments). In Puerto Rico, the governor serves a four-year term with no term limits.”

v  r

Nuvarande guvernörer i USA:s delstater och territorier
USA:s president: Donald Trump
AL:Kay Ivey
AK:Mike Dunleavy
AZ:Katie Hobbs
AR:Sarah Huckabee Sanders
CA:Gavin Newsom
CO:Jared Polis
CT:Ned Lamont
DE:Matt Meyer
FL:Ron DeSantis
GA:Brian Kemp
HI:Josh Green
ID:Brad Little
IL:J.B. Pritzker
IN:Mike Braun
IA:Kim Reynolds
KS:Laura Kelly
KY:Andy Beshear
LA:Jeff Landry
ME:Janet Mills
MD:Wes Moore
MA:Maura Healey
MI:Gretchen Whitmer
MN:Tim Walz
MS:Tate Reeves
MO:Mike Kehoe
MT:Greg Gianforte
NE:Jim Pillen
NV:Joe Lombardo
NH:Kelly Ayotte
NJ:Phil Murphy
NM:Michelle Lujan Grisham
NY:Kathy Hochul
NC:Josh Stein
ND:Kelly Armstrong
OH:Mike DeWine
OK:Kevin Stitt
OR:Tina Kotek
PA:Josh Shapiro
RI:Daniel McKee
SC:Henry McMaster
SD:Larry Rhoden
TN:Bill Lee
TX:Greg Abbott
UT:Spencer Cox
VT:Phil Scott
VA:Glenn Youngkin
WA:Bob Ferguson
WV:Patrick Morrisey
WI:Tony Evers
WY:Mark Gordon

Federalt distrikt
DC:Muriel Bowser, (borgmästare)

AS:Pula Nikolao Pula
GU:Lou Leon Guerrero
MP:Arnold Palacios
PR:Jenniffer González-Colón
VI:Albert Bryan