SVS Archived Story: /svs/db/stories/topex/tides.html

Revealing Hidden Tidal Energy

North America Tides Asia Tides Complete World Tides
North America Asia World Map
Dissipation Zones Tidal Patterns TOPEX Spacecraft
Energy Dissipation Tidal Patterns TOPEX Spacecraft

This multimedia project is the work of a dedicated team of researchers, animators, and media specialists. A companion video to this web site is available from NASA-TV. Below are a list of agencies, departments, and researchers who provided expertise and data for this production:

Special thanks to Dr. Richard Ray/Space Geodesy branch, NASA/GSFC

Please give credit for these images to:
NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center
NASA - Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Scientific Visualization Studio
Television Production NASA-TV/GSFC

Content Preparation and Project Production: Michael Starobin
Last Revised: February 4, 2019 at 06:02 PM EST