

1911 was a year.



On 13 March, the Hunstanton Chronicle reported, "School Mistress Pronounced Dead". They wrote, "Police and doctors were left both amused and baffled when Mr Alfred Mace insisted that his dead wife could be brought back to life providing a certain flask could be found." (TV: From Out of the Rain)

Mummy pyramid

Servicers build an Osiran war missile. (TV: Pyramids of Mars)

In June, Sherlock Holmes foiled one of Alexander Korvo's schemes to destroy History of Earth Volume 36,379. (AUDIO: The Adventure of the Bloomsbury Bomber) Iris Wildthyme accidentally took Edwin Turner, Jenni Marcel and Zack Hoffman to Mexico on exactly the same date when attempting to save Mr. Holmes from a bomb. (AUDIO: Kronos Vad's History of Earth (Vol. 36,379))

In October, the Fifth Doctor and Nyssa visited Suffolk. (AUDIO: Moonflesh)


1911 was declared an "excellent year" by the Fourth Doctor. He visited 1911 with Sarah Jane Smith in time to head off Sutekh attempting to break free of his prison in Egypt and escape Earth. (TV: Pyramids of Mars)

A survey was made of the Nine Travellers on Boscombe Moor. (TV: The Stones of Blood)

Sun Yat Sen led an alliance of nationalist warlords in a revolution against the young Emperor of China, Pu Yi. The alliance formed into the Kuomintang, which became the governing party of China. (PROSE: The Shadow of Weng-Chiang) Chinese soldiers were abducted by the War Lords and made to take part in the War Games. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the War Games)

Births and deaths


On 24 May, Nora Wicker was born. (AUDIO: The World Tree)


Emma-Louise Cowell's father (TV: Out of Time) and Tom Wake were born. (PROSE: The Hopes and Fears of All the Years)


The Eleventh Doctor was planning on taking a biplane, or possibly knitting, lesson this year, but was sidetracked by receiving a TARDIS-blue envelope. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut)