2002 (releases)
Sonic screwdrivers can't create pages instantly.
This article about a list is currently under construction. It's likely to be a bit messy.
In 2002, a number of things set in or relevant to the Doctor Who universe were released or published.
- DOC: The Doctors: 30 Years of Time Travel and Beyond was released on DVD by BBV Productions.
- 7 January - Mad Dogs and Englishmen and Relative Dementias were first published by BBC Books.
- 7 January - The Caves of Androzani was released on Region 4 DVD.
- 7 January - The Glass Prison was first published by Big Finish Productions.
- 10 January - DWM 313 was first released by Panini Comics. This contained a free audio adventure from Big Finish, The Ratings War.
- 14 January - The Tomb of the Cybermen was released on Region 2 DVD.
- 14 January - Planet of Giants was released on VHS.
- 21 January - Project: Infinity was released by Big Finish Productions.
- 24 January - DWMSE 1 was first released by Panini Comics.
- 28 January - Invaders from Mars and Music from the Eighth Doctor Audio Adventures were first released by Big Finish.
- 4 February - Hope and Drift were first published by BBC Books.
- 4 February - The soundtrack to The Faceless Ones was released by BBC Audio.
- 7 February - DWM 314 was released by Panini Comics.
- 11 February - Excelis Dawns was first released by Big Finish.
- 14 February - Part one of "Planet of Blood" was first released online.
- 22 February - Part two of "Planet of Blood" was first released online.
- 25 February - The Chimes of Midnight and The Greatest Shop in the Galaxy were first released by Big Finish.
- 1 March - WC: Death Comes to Time Episode 4, "Planet of Blood, Part 3" was released.
- 4 March - Anachrophobia was first published.
- 4 March - Palace of the Red Sun was first published.
- 6 March - Short Trips: Zodiac was first published.
- 7 March - DWM 315 was released by Panini Comics.
- 8 March - Part one of "The Child" was released online.
- 15 March - Part two of "The Child" was first released online.
- 22 March - WC: Death Comes to Time Episode 7, "The Child, Part 3" was released.
- 25 March - AUDIO: Seasons of Fear was first released.
- 28 March - The novella Citadel of Dreams was first published by Telos Publishing.
- 29 March - WC: Death Comes to Time Episode 8, "No Child of Earth, Part 1" was released.
- 1 April - The Tomb of the Cybermen was released to DVD in Region 4.
- 2 April - The Caves of Androzani was released to DVD in Region 1.
- 4 April - DWM 316 was released.
- 5 April - WC: Death Comes to Time Episode 9, "No Child of Earth, Part 2" was released.
- 8 April - Trading Futures was first published.
- 8 April - Amorality Tale was first published.
- 8 April - The Ark in Space was released to DVD in the UK.
- 8 April - AUDIO: Excelis Rising was first released.
- 12 April - WC: Death Comes to Time Episode 10, "No Child of Earth, Part 3" was released.
- 15 April - Spearhead from Space was released to DVD in Region 4.
- 19 April - WC: Death Comes to Time Episode 11, "Death Comes to Time, Part 1" was released.
- 20 April - AUDIO: Death's Head was first released.
- 26 April - WC: Death Comes to Time Episode 12, "Death Comes to Time, Part 2" was released.
- 29 April - AUDIO: Embrace the Darkness was first released.
- 2 May - DWM 317 was released.
- 3 May - WC: Death Comes to Time Episode 13, "Death Comes to Time, Part 3" was released.
- 6 May - The Book of the Still was first published.
- 6 May - Warmonger was first published.
- 6 May - BBC Audio released an audio recording of The Smugglers.
- 13 May - Remembrance of the Daleks was released to DVD in Region 4.
- 21 May - AUDIO: The Time of the Daleks was first released.
- 22 May - Nightdreamers was first published.
- 30 May - DWM 318 was released.
- 3 June - PROSE: The Crooked World was first published.
- 3 June - Ten Little Aliens was first published.
- 3 June - The Ark in Space was released to DVD in Region 4.
- 27 June - DWM 319 was released.
- 1 July - Combat Rock was first published.
- 1 July - AUDIO: Excelis Decays and The Plague Herds of Excelis were first released.
- 3 July - History 101 was first published.
- 12 July - AUDIO: Neverland and The Maltese Penguin were first released.
- 15 July - Carnival of Monsters was released on DVD in the UK.
- 25 July - DWM 320 was released.
- 31 July - AUDIO: Comeback and Spare Parts were first released.
- August - Ooh, it's the one with... was launched online on the Doctor Who website.
- 2 August - WC: Real Time episode 1, an original six-episode story featuring the Sixth Doctor, was released on the BBC website.
- 5 August - Camera Obscura was first published.
- 5 August - The Suns of Caresh was first published.
- 5 August - BBC Audio released an audio recording of The Enemy of the World.
- 6 August - The Tomb of the Cybermen and The Ark in Space were released to DVD in Region 1.
- 8 August - AUDIO: The Tao Connection was first released.
- 9 August - WC: Real Time Episode 2 was released.
- 16 August - WC: Real Time Episode 3 was released.
- 22 August - Ghost Ship was first published.
- 22 August - AUDIO: The Green-Eyed Monsters was first released.
- 22 August - DWM 321 was released.
- 23 August - WC: Real Time Episode 4 was released.
- 29 August - AUDIO: ...ish was first released.
- 30 August - WC: Real Time Episode 5 was released.
- 2 September - Time Zero was first published.
- 2 September - Carnival of Monsters was released to DVD in Region 4.
- 5 September - Big Finish Productions, as part of its Big Finish Talks Back line, released A Soldier in Time: The Nicholas Courtney Memoirs and The Eighth Doctor Writers.
- 5 September - AUDIO: Test of Nerve was first released.
- 6 September - WC: Real Time Episode 6 was released.
- 17 September - The Book of the War was first released.
- 19 September - DWM 322 was released.
- 26 September - AUDIO: The Rapture was first released.
- 1 October - DVD box set The Key to Time was released on Region 1 DVD.
- 4 October - PROSE: A Life of Surprises was first published.
- 7 October - Heritage was first published.
- 10 October - The Dalek Survival Guide was first published.
- 10 October - AUDIO: Ghost Town was first released.
- 17 October - DWM 323 was released.
- 21 October - The Aztecs was released on Region 2 DVD.
- 24 October - AUDIO: The Sandman and The Dance of the Dead were first released.
- 4 November - The Infinity Race was first published.
- 4 November - BBC Audio released an audio recording of The Savages.
- 7 November - AUDIO: Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre was first released.
- 14 November - The subscriber special AUDIO: The Maltese Penguin was first made available as a general release.
- 14 November - DWM 324 was released.
- 18 November - Resurrection of the Daleks was released to DVD in the UK.
- 23 November - Foreign Devils was first published.
- 28 November - AUDIO: The Church and the Crown was first released.
- 30 November - AUDIO: Hidden Persuaders was first released.
- December - The Time Lord Collection was first released.
- 2 December - The Aztecs was released to DVD in Region 4.
- 12 December - The audio adaptation of Real Time was first released.
- 12 December - DWM 325 was released.
- 19 December - AUDIO: Bang-Bang-a-Boom! was first released.
- 23 December - Blue Veils and Golden Sands was first broadcast on BBC Radio 4.
- 31 December - Short Trips: Zodiac was first published.