
21 October

21 October in

the DWU • production history • vital statistics • releases

21 October




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21 October was a date.

In 1805, the Battle of Trafalgar was fought. Lord Admiral Horatio Nelson died in victory. At least three incarnations of the Doctor were present at the event. (PROSE: H.M.S. Tardis; COMIC: Rough Waters, Ghosts of the Seas; AUDIO: Gallery of Ghouls) As a young man, Sir Edward Scrivener's butler Hill served aboard the HMS Temeraire during the battle. (AUDIO: The Ghosts of Gralstead) A guide for time travellers warned to avoid visiting the battle as the battlefield was permanently overcrowded with time travellers. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary)

In 1829, the Mermaid hit a coral reef in a storm. The ship was wrecked but none of the crew perished. (PROSE: Of the Mermaid and Jupiter)

In 2015, the Eighth Doctor and Lucie Miller visited London. (AUDIO: The Eight Truths)