
Albert (planet)

Albert was a sentient planet.


Albert was created when a planet that was orbiting a white hole was seeded by a quantum field the white hole was emitting. This quantum field became sentient, and grew until it merged with the planet. (PROSE: Grimm Reality)


Because of the quantum field, the terrain of Albert could be changed at will, from woods to mountains in a matter of seconds. (PROSE: Grimm Reality)


When a colony spaceship from Earth crash-landed on Albert, the colonists entered into a mutual agreement with the planet, which fed off their tales to create a magical world governed by the rules of traditional folklore.

Another quantum field from the white hole hit Albert, which soon became sentient. The quantum field also had the power to alter reality on Albert, which threatened Albert's existence. The Eighth Doctor came to an agreement with the field and it travelled to another place in the universe so that Albert could still survive. (PROSE: Grimm Reality)