
Alice Wake

Alice Wake was a human of the 20th century. She was small and very pretty.

In the summer of 1936, Alice met Tom Wake in Blackpool. He told her about the Tenth Doctor and that he visited his family every Christmas to save the family from danger. He invited Alice over on Christmas. Alice was surprised to see that the Doctor was real. Tom asked Alice if she thought that the Doctor was pretty. Alice said that she had no idea and kissed Tom.

In 1937, the couple married. They had a daughter called Mary.

In the years before 1955, the Doctor had saved her husband's life and had helped the family a lot. Alice was deeply grateful for this and offered the Doctor a room in their house. However, the Doctor told her that he had other things to do.

In 1967, Mary left the home of her parents. She told them that they could believe that they were looked after by the Doctor if they liked but that she did not want to do that anymore. Alice cried. However, Mary and her parents got along again a short time later.

Mary married an Indian lawyer and had children. At Christmas in the 1970s, the Doctor played with Mary's children. They thought that he was a strange uncle that only appeared on Christmas.

In 1981, Tom and Alice had a family party when the Doctor arrived. The Doctor celebrated with them and danced.

In 1982, Alice broke her hip; she died under general anaesthetic. (PROSE: The Hopes and Fears of All the Years)