Alternate Rome
An alternate Rome existed at many times, either created in alternate timelines or as natural parallel universes.
Known Worlds[]
During the War in Heaven, there were many Known Worlds where the Roman Empire never fell. Designated as "Romas", these were collected into the Empire of Empires. (PROSE: Warlords of Utopia)
- Roma
- Roma I
- Roma II
- Roma III
- Roma IV
- Roma V
- Roma VI
- Roma VII
- Roma VIII
- Roma XI
- Roma XIII
- Roma XX
- Roma XXXI
- Roma LVIII
- Roma LXIX
- Roma CI
- Roma CLI
- Roma CLII
- Roma CCII
- Roma CCIV
- Roma D
- Roma DI
- Roma DII
- Roma DC
- Roma DCII
- Roma DCX
- Roma DCXXI
Magog's Rome[]
- Main article: Roma D
In one alternate Rome, Magog and four other Malevilus were worshipped for having led Rome in conquest of the galaxy. They later provided the alternate Romans with the technology to invade other dimensions. The Fourth Doctor imprisoned Magog in an empty dimension and started a revolution that led to the destruction of the other four Malevilus with the help of the robot Vesuvius. He left this Galactic Roman Empire in the hands of Vesuvius. (COMIC: Doctor Who and the Iron Legion)
The Rani's Rome[]

A view of an alternate Rome in 10 BC. (PROSE: State of Change)
The Roman Empire of an alternate 10 BC was created for the First Rani in a pocket dimension, maintained by the entity known as Iam. In this alternate timeline, Rome generated electricity, built airships and steam-driven galleys, broadcast radio, and had many other disturbing anachronisms, due to them gaining access to the databanks of the Doctor's TARDIS when Iam created a copy of the ship's control console. The Rani also tried to manipulate the alternate Cleopatra VII's three children, but failed. Realising that this pocket dimension was too small to maintain its growing population, the Doctor was able to teach Iam how to create a new world, allowing Iam to transfer the population of this world to a new Earth, which came to be known as Terra Nova. (PROSE: State of Change)
20th century Rome[]
Investigating why the multiverse was contracting, the Sixth Doctor became stuck on several worlds. One was an alternate universe where the Roman Empire continued into the 20th century. Empress Margarita was Caesar circa 1988 in this universe. The Roman Empire eventually owned three-fifths of Earth, with Oceania and the New World still independent. (PROSE: Spiral Scratch)