
Anar-Isari wars

The Anar-Isari wars were a protracted conflict between the Isari and the Anar. It lasted 2000 years; over its course, around 3000 BC, the planet Iytea was "nearly destroyed" in the wars' crossfire, wiping out most of the Iyteans. Survivors were subsequently picked off by the Sontarans and the Rutans. (GAME: The Iytean Menace [+]J. Andrew Keith, The Doctor Who Role Playing Game (FASA, 1985).) In the Infinity Doctor's reality, General Sontar was renowned as "the mastermind behind the victory in the two‐thousand‐year war with the Isari". (PROSE: The Infinity Doctors [+]Lance Parkin, BBC Books (1998).)