Antigone (Weapons Grade Snake Oil)
Godmother Antigone was the leader of the Ministry of Insinuation within the Eleven-Day Empire. Her ceremonial mask was made from an owl skull.
Antigone was once a proud member of House Urquineath; she was one of the main negotiators of the Neam Treaty. However, due in large part to the actions of the Hussar, Antigone became embarrassed by her lineage and renegaded to join Faction Paradox.
As leader of the Ministry of Insinuation, Antigone held a strong personal grudge against Father Christèmas and Bankside. She organised legends of the 2nd Second in Serendipity Keep in attempt to trick Christèmas into trying to steal it, but accidentally inspired him to create a loa using the Keep's axiomatic vault. Antigone and Rupert visited Bankside for a surprise inspection on the day that Christèmas began his plan to get into the Keep. When Christèmas returned to Bankside after a loa was successfully created, he privately spoke to Antigone and threatened to reveal her involvement with Serendipity Keep if she didn't retire from the Ministry. (PROSE: Weapons Grade Snake Oil)