


Bovril was a type of food that Nurse Albertine described as "beef tea". It existed at least as early as 1913. According to Albertine, the name came from a book about "a race of people from another civilisation that... live on this... kind of nectar [called vril-ya]".

Albertine's father loved bovril and taught her that if General Buller's advance on Ladysmith was plotted out on a map, it would spell the word Bovril. (AUDIO: Year of the Pig)

In November 1963, Susan Foreman walked past a Bovril advertisement on her way to 76 Totter's Lane. (COMIC: Prologue: The First Doctor)

When Clara Oswald asked the Twelfth Doctor if he could teach her to ski on Isen VI, he said that he'd rather "[stay] in the TARDIS with a nice mug of bovril and melted marshmallows". (COMIC: Terrorformer)