
Brian (Fanboys)

This article needs to be updated.

Info from The Diary of a Dr. Who Addict, Imaginary Boys, and Miss Baumgarten's Trolls needs to be added.

These omissions are so great that the article's factual accuracy has been compromised. Check out the discussion page and revision history for further clues about what needs to be updated in this article.


By all accounts, Brian was the boyfriend of "Mam", who lived with their child(ren) in Newton Aycliffe, however, other details of their lives such as the identities of their child(ren) where disputed by several accounts.

By two accounts, he was Paul Magrs' stepfather (PROSE: The Great Big Book Exchange, The Story of Fester Cat) and the biological father of Louise. (PROSE: The Story of Fester Cat)

However, by a few other accounts, he was the stepfather to David (PROSE: Fanboys, The Diary of a Dr. Who Addict, Miss Baumgarten's Trolls) and by two of those accounts, an additional brother, Chris. (PROSE: Fanboys, The Diary of a Dr. Who Addict)[1]


Brian became "Mam"'s boyfriend after she divorced her husband. (PROSE: Fanboys, et al.)

In January 1981, in the account with David and Chris, after their "Mam" got angry with them for their continued obsession with Doctor Who, Brian comforted her, which differed from their usual arguing. The next day, Brian and "Mam" took David and Chris to Darlington for chips from Wimpys and to purchase Doctor Who novelisations from W H Smiths. Much later that night, after David and Chris had read through most of their new books, Chris decided to go outside, and unbeknownst to them, their neighbour brought him into his house to get away from the snow. Brian, "Mam", and David searched frantically for Chris, until the neighbour reunited them with Chris. (PROSE: Fanboys)

In an account with Paul Magrs, "Mam" and her ex-husband shared custody of Paul, so Paul often had to go with one parent on some days, and the other parent on other days; to make this exchange more pleasant, "Mam" made the exchange on Old Elvet Bridge, keeping Brian on one side, and her ex on the other. Brian, while happy to live with "Mam" in her council house, showed contempt towards Paul, not speaking to him until he was thirteen (1982), never wanting to sit on the same piece of furniture as Paul, or even in the same room, for example. (PROSE: The Story of Fester Cat)

After the death of Brian's father, his mother came to live with him in Paul's home. She often barricaded herself in her bedroom, reading books like Battlestar Galactica and Gone with the Wind, the latter of which took many trips by Brian, his mother, and Paul to the Great Big Book Exchange to locate a copy. (PROSE: The Great Big Book Exchange)

Later life[]

In an account with Paul Magrs, sometime in the mid-1980s, "Mam" gave birth to Louise, Brian's first and only child. and in 2006, she, Louise, and Brian visited Paul and his partner in their home. When Louise called Fester Cat a "Kitler", Brian laughed. Later that day, Jeremy and Brian went outside to smoke, and Jeremy tried to have a conversation, as with his age, Brian didn't speak often. Sometime later, Paul and Jeremy took them on a cruise in the Mediterranean. In Summer of 2012, she, Brian, and Louise left England and emigrated to Australia. (PROSE: The Story of Fester Cat)

Behind the scenes[]

Brian (Fanboys)

An illustration of Brian painted for Inktober.[2]

  • Brian is Paul Magrs' actual stepfather. He is a part of the DWU due to several semi-biographical stories about Paul which feature Brian.
  • For Inktober, Paul Magrs painted a series of paintings based upon pictures from his family photo album. On day 12, he did one with himself, his brother, Brian, and Big Nanna.


  1. However, later editions of The Diary of a Dr. Who Addict replaced Chris with a new character called Jacqui.
  2. Family Album paintings, Day 12 - Big Nanna visits, Christmas 1981