


Corporal was a military rank for some Earth-based militaries or armed forces. The rank of corporal was above that of Private. (PROSE: Freedom) Being low down the military rank structure they were often relatively young compared to other personnel. (PROSE: Illegal Alien, The Dying Days) Like other military personnel, they were identified by their uniform; (PROSE: Independence Day) stripes in a corporal's case. (PROSE: Vanderdeken's Children)

Organisations that had the rank of corporal included UNIT, (TV: The Web of Fear et al.) the British Army (including Orange Patrol), (TV: The War Machines et al.) and the harvest rangers of Androzani Minor. (TV: The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe)

Within some Earth-based militaries, other terms were used such as obergerfrieter. (PROSE: Casualties of War) Lance corporal was another military rank with a similar title. (TV: Under the Lake)

Paul Reynish was a corporal in the British Army at the time of his planned execution. (HOMEVID: When to Die)

When he first met the Doctor, John Benton was a Corporal. (TV: The Invasion) Palmer, (TV: The Three Doctors) Ives, (COMIC: Evening's Empire) and J Frinkstein were UNIT corporals. (PROSE: Operation London)

Corporal was the nickname that Luke Smith gave to Lance Metcalf. (TV: Warriors of Kudlak)

The Sontarans included corporals. Among them were Clun, (AUDIO: Heroes of Sontar) Stakk and Slygg. (COMIC: The Betrothal of Sontar)