Crispin Layfield

Layfield as he appeared in CON: Arthurian Legend.
Crispin Layfield has been involved in the stunt department of the BBC Wales production of Doctor Who since series 1. His first credit was as a stunt performer in Father's Day. Technically, he played the role of Matt in that episode, but did not receive an actor's credit for it. He was sporadically credited for the next two series, then became one of the regular stunt co-ordinators towards the end of series 4. He served as the principal stunt co-ordinator from series 5 on.
He has received an acting credit for his role as a mugger in the Torchwood episode, Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, and was also credited as a stunt performer in Ghost Machine.
Layfield served as the stunt co-ordinator for Class. He also took over from Abbi Collins as the stunt co-ordinator for series 3 of The Sarah Jane Adventures.
Creating the Sheffield Car Chase Spyfall Doctor Who Series 12
Closer Look with Crispin Layfield and Paul Bailey on preparing for and executing the "car chase" scene in TV: Spyfall.
He has been featured on several episodes of Doctor Who Confidential, as well as episode 9 of series 2 of Totally Doctor Who.
Layfield is much in demand in British television and has been either a stunt performer or co-ordinator for many of the most demanding shows of the early 21st century, including: Band of Brothers, Life on Mars, Ashes to Ashes, Hotel Babylon, Wire in the Blood, Being Human, Paradox, The Bill, Jonathan Creek and many others.
Stunt performer[]
Stunt co-ordinator[]
- The Almost People
- Amy's Choice
- The Angels Take Manhattan
- Asylum of the Daleks
- The Beast Below
- Before the Flood
- The Bells of Saint John
- The Big Bang
- Blink
- Brave-ish Heart
- The Caretaker
- A Christmas Carol
- Closing Time
- Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart
- The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo
- Cold Blood
- Cold War
- The Crimson Horror
- The Curse of the Black Spot
- The Day of the Doctor
- Day of the Moon
- Death in Heaven
- Deep Breath
- Detained
- Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
- The Doctor Falls
- The Doctor's Daughter
- The Doctor's Wife
- The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe
- The Eaters of Light
- The Eleventh Hour
- Empress of Mars
- The Eternity Trap
- Eve of the Daleks
- Extremis
- Flatline
- Flesh and Stone
- For Tonight We Might Die
- Fugitive of the Judoon
- The Ghost Monument
- The Gift
- The Girl Who Died
- The Girl Who Waited
- The God Complex
- A Good Man Goes to War
- Gridlock
- The Halloween Apocalypse
- Heaven Sent
- Hell Bent
- Hide
- The Hungry Earth
- The Husbands of River Song
- The Impossible Astronaut
- Into the Dalek
- It Takes You Away
- Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
- Kerblam!
- Kill the Moon
- Knock Knock
- Last Christmas
- Last of the Time Lords
- Legend of the Sea Devils
- Let's Kill Hitler
- The Lie of the Land
- Listen
- The Lodger
- The Lost
- The Magician's Apprentice
- The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did
- Midnight
- Mummy on the Orient Express
- The Name of the Doctor
- Night Terrors
- Nightmare in Silver
- Nightvisiting
- Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror
- Once, Upon Time
- Orphan 55
- Oxygen
- The Pandorica Opens
- The Power of Three
- The Power of the Doctor
- Praxeus
- The Pyramid at the End of the World
- The Rebel Flesh
- Resolution
- The Return of Doctor Mysterio
- Revolution of the Daleks
- The Rings of Akhaten
- Robot of Sherwood
- Rosa
- The Shakespeare Code
- Sleep No More
- Smith and Jones
- The Snowmen
- Spyfall
- Survivors of the Flux
- The Time of the Doctor
- Thin Ice
- Time Heist
- The Time of Angels
- The Timeless Children
- Twice Upon a Time
- Under the Lake
- The Vampires of Venice
- The Vanquishers
- Victory of the Daleks
- Village of the Angels
- Vincent and the Doctor
- War of the Sontarans
- The Wedding of River Song
- The Witch's Familiar
- The Witchfinders
- The Woman Who Fell to Earth
- The Zygon Invasion
- The Zygon Inversion
Documentary appearances[]
Doctor Who Confidential[]
- Stage Fright
- Eyes Wide Open
- Death in Venice
- Arthurian Legend
- A Brush with Genius
- Ship Ahoy!
- Double Trouble
- The Born Identity
- River Runs Wild
- About a Boy
- What Dreams May Come
- Open All Hours
Series 11 Documentaries[]
Closer Look[]
- Spyfall Part 1