
Cyber Wolf


"Cyber Wolves" was the name given to a type of cyber-converted dogs used by certain groups of Cybermen. (PROSE: Plague of the Cybermen)


The Eleventh Doctor guessed that Cyber Wolves possessed olfactory circuits which allowed them to smell targets, leading him to nickname them "Cyber-sniffers". (PROSE: Plague of the Cybermen)

The Cyber Wolf-like converted dogs used by the Cybus Cybermen of 41st century Centuria retained their organic torsos, which attached to a canine Cyber-head, and were supported by a set of four metal legs. (COMIC: Enemy Mine)


The Cybermen that crashed on Earth centuries prior to the 19th century - who were reminiscent of the Cybus Cybermen of the Cyber Legions - created a pack of Cyber Wolves as a force of primitive drones, due to lacking the necessary power to convert full Cybermen at the time. They killed Worm and were encountered by the Eleventh Doctor. (PROSE: Plague of the Cybermen)

Similar variants[]

Numerous creatures similar to Cyber Wolves were used by various different groups of Cybermen across history.

Several Cyber Wolf-like creatures were used by the Cybus Cybermen that were reborn on Centuria in the 41st century. They aided the Cybermen in taking down a predatory Ice Snake in Centuria's arctic zone. (COMIC: Enemy Mine)

Other realities[]

Cyberdog Supremacy

A creature similar to a Cyber Wolf in an alternate 2006. (COMIC: Supremacy of the Cybermen)

In an alternate timeline where Rassilon granted a colony of Cybermen at the end of the universe the means to conquer all of history, a Cyber Wolf-like creature, equipped with three energy weapons atop its back, pursued Jackie Tyler in the ruins of London on the Cyber-Earth in 2006, before she was rescued by the Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler and Captain Jack Harkness. (COMIC: Supremacy of the Cybermen)

In a parallel dimension where Earth was devastated and turned into a human power station by the Cybermen of the Cyber-Mainframe, (AUDIO: Code Silver) the Petronella Osgood, Vikram Shindi and Josh Carter of N-Space fought a mutated, feral dog that was cyber-converted after coming in to contact with a large Mechanising Worm. The Machine attempted to use the converted dog to intercept Osgood, Shindi and Josh so as to use their mental avatars to form a dimension bridge to N-Space, but the dog was killed by Shindi, after Osgood realised that the dimension bridge technology's total brain immersion made the trio as strong as they believed themselves to be, allowing Shindi to kill the converted dog with his physical strength alone. (AUDIO: Telepresence)

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Cyberman variants
From nonhuman
Cyberman agents
Unique individuals