DWA 123
The one hundred twenty-third issue of Doctor Who Adventures had a cover date of 9 July - 15 July 2009.
Free gift[]
- Squirty sonic screwdriver and stickers
Information / Fact File (Photo feature and Essential Info)[]
- FACTFILE: Alien Stingray
- FACTFILE: The Tritovore Ship
- TOP TEN: Fights and Battles
Comic content[]
- Starstruck (4 pages)
Tales from the TARDIS[]
- From: TV: The Lazarus Experiment - Featuring Professor Lazarus reveals himself on the roof.
The Doctor's Data (Collectable Fact File)[]
- DOCTOR'S DATA: Luke Smith
- A3 "Daleks are SUPREME!" Dalek from TV: Daleks in Manhattan - featuring flying Daleks against the Manhattan skyline.
- A4 "You're an IMPOSSIBLE thing, Jack!" The Doctor from TV: Last of the Time Lords - featuring Captain Jack saluting
- A4 Who's Who Collection: Lilith
Behind the scenes[]
- None
- None
Additional features[]
- Welcome and news
- Find in this issue hidden somewhere Malcolm to win a set of the Doctor Who Series 2 DVD (The Impossible Planet, The Satan Pit and Love & Monsters).
- Puzzles and Quizzes
- Readers contributions: Time Agent Upload / Doctor You
- featuring reader's letters, photos, and art.
- Competition Goodies (Hot Wheels Blade Spinner track set and Jack Slater books
Also listing: Their favourite Doctor Who fight
- Editor: Moray Laing, The big battle with Cybermen and Daleks at Canary Wharf!
- Deputy Editor: Annabel Gibson, Rosita thwacking Miss Hartigan
- Senior Art Editor: Paul Lang, The Dalek saucer attack in The Stolen Earth
- Art Editor: Steve Clarke, The War Machines!
- Production Editor: Liza Millett, Martial arts mayhem from the Brethren
- Picture Editor: Shaila Bux, The Doctor, Cassandra and Rose.
- Acting Writer: Olivia McLearon, Francine's fight with the Doctor!
- Contributing Art Editor: Nikki Davies
- Contributing Sub Editor Claudia Dudman
- Office Sontaran: Skorr, All Sontaran battles – Sontar-ha!
Hidden Away / Facts[]
- This magazine can be recycled: The Shadow Proclamation takes this very seriously.
- Carmen: "I can tell you the answers with my psychic powers ...But that would be cheating."
- Alien Stingrays have metallic exoskeletons just like the Cybermen.
- The two Tritovores, who survived the crash on San Helios after falling ten miles, were called Sorvin and Praygat, unnamed on screen but credited.
- Luke Smith was created by the Bane from DNA samples and has the brain power of 10,000 people but no belly button.
Additional details[]
- The subscription offer for this issue with a saving of 30%, over £18 (UK) and a copy of Doctor Who: Monsters and Villains or 40% saving without gift as promoted on inserted flyer.
- This issue had a cover price of £2.10 (UK) and the free gift was cover mounted.
- Next issue's free gift is promoted as a free Dalek story on CD and a cool inflatable (one of several).