DWA 137
The one hundred thirty-seventh issue of Doctor Who Adventures had a cover date of 15 October - 21 October 2009.
Free gift[]
- Master Notepad and Sonic Laser-styled pen with two packs of Alien Armies
Information / Fact File (Photo feature and Essential Info)[]
- TOP TEN: Sonic Moments
- FACTFILE: How to be a good Time Traveller
- MINI-MAG The Sarah Jane Adventures 12 page pull-out

The Sarah Jane Adventures Mini-Mag
Comic content[]
- The Guardian of Murcher (4 pages)
Tales from the TARDIS[]
- None
The Doctor's Data (Collectable Fact File)[]
- Countdown to Change: The Second Doctor
- A3 TV: The Girl in the Fireplace - montage featuring the Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler and unmasked Clockwork Droid
- A4 "Dalek Sec commands, WE OBEY" Dalek from TV: Evolution of the Daleks - featuring the Cult of Skaro
- A4 Who's Who Collection: The Moxx of Balhoon
Behind the scenes[]
- See Mini-Mag
- Elizabeth Sladen who plays Sarah Jane Smith (see mini-mag)
- Thomas Knight who plays Luke Smith (see mini-mag)
- Anjli Mohindra who plays Rani Chandra (see mini-mag)
- Daniel Anthony who plays Clyde Langer (see mini-mag)
- K9 (see mini-mag)
Additional features[]
- Welcome and news
- Find in this issue hidden somewhere a Dalek to win a Doctor Who The Day of the Troll Audio CD adventure.
- Activity / Make-it
- Search and Find: (two-page illustration of Sarah Jane's Attic by Christopher Cooper)
- Do Something Different for Children in Need ideas
- Blue Peter competion: Design a TARDIS console
- Puzzles
- Readers contributions: Time Agent Upload / Doctor You
- featuring reader's letters, photos, and art.
- Competition Goodies (The Sarah Jane Adventures goodies The Next Doctor DVD, Screature pet and Batman figures)
Also listing: Their favourite SJA Monster
- Editor: Moray Laing, the Troublesome Trickster
- Deputy Editor: Annabel Gibson, The Gorgon with her craggy face and long claws
- Senior Art Editor: Paul Lang, The Graske – he's such a scamp!
- Art Editor: Steve Clarke, Odd Bob the clown
- Production Editor: Liza Millett, The Bane and their Bubble Shock
- Picture Editor: Shaila Bux, The Berserker
- Acting Writer: Olivia McLearon, Mrs Wormwood
- Contributing Art Editor: Nikki Davies
- Contributing Sub Editor Claudia Dudman
- Official Chaos Causer: The Trickster, All of those lesser beings pale into insignificance next to me!
Hidden Away / Facts[]
- This magazine can be recycled: Or ask your friendly Graske to transmit it to another dimension.
- Carmen: "Let me tune into my psychic powers. Are you there answers, are you there? No? Oh well, I'll try again later."
- Blue Peter (the BBC's children magazine program) announces a competition to design a new TARDIS console to appear in the first series of the Eleventh Doctor's adventures...somehow! The winner will spend time with the designers and see their drawing developed and their artwork signed by the Doctor himself. The winning design would eventually be used in TV: The Doctor's Wife.
- Daniel Anthony and Anjli Mohindra's nickname on set for Thomas Knight is Tombo, who unlike Danny's character is the better artist and skater.
Additional details[]
- The subscription offer for this issue with a saving of 30%, over £18 (UK) – a copy of Doctor Who: The Ultimate Monster Guide (£15.99 UK) is offered to subscribers.
- This issue had a cover price of £2.10 (UK) and the free gift was cover mounted.
- Next issue's free gift is promoted as a Weeping Angel Mask and Claws.