DWA 183
The one hundred eighty-third issue of Doctor Who Adventures had a cover date of 9 September - 15 September 2010.
Free gift[]
- Dalek slime in a Dalek shaped case along with a packet of Deadly 60 CBBC trading cards.
Information / Fact File (Photo feature and Essential Info)[]
- FACTFILE: Doctor Who: The Yuck! Factor
Comic content[]
- Sky Scraper (4 pages)
Mega Moments (favourite scene told as a photo-feature)[]
- From: TV: The Big Bang - Amy's Wedding scene
- Adventure Guide TV: The Lodger
Fast Facts (Collectable Fact File)[]
- None
- A3 Cyberman Wanted Poster
- A4 The Eleventh Doctor in front of the TARDIS from The Time of Angels
- A4 The TARDIS above the Cold Star from Amy's Choice
Behind the scenes[]
- Monster Transformation - Find out how actress Neve McIntosh turned into a scary Silurian.
- None
Additional features[]
- Welcome and news
- Puzzle page and Quiz
- Jumbo Quiz (Daleks)
- Joke Time
- Readers contributions: Who and You Upload
- featuring reader's letters, photos, and art.
- Picture Puzzle: Spot the Difference to win Boom! book
- Picture Puzzle: Count the Daleks and Weeping Angels (2 pages)
- Competition Goodies (Doctor Who: 3D Mask Activity book, Doctor Who: Glamour Chase book, Spy Net kits and Beast Quest / iPod sets)
- Editor: Moray Laing
- Deputy Editor: Annie Gibson
- Senior Art Editor: Paul Laing
- Production Editor: Liza Millett
- Designer: Melanie Caine
Hidden Away / Facts[]
- The term "flying saucer" was first used by an American newspaper in 1947.
- Until 2009, the Ministry of Defence had a special UFO unit. In 50 years it investigated 12,000 sightings. Of all the UK UFO sightings, 5% remain unexplained.
Additional details[]
- The subscription offer for this issue with a saving of 25% after four issues for only £1 (UK).
- This issue had a cover price of £2.20 (UK) and the free gift was cover mounted.
- Next issue's free gift is promoted as "Grow your own Weeping Angel".