DWA 203
Doctor Who Adventures #203 was the issue of the magazine for the week beginning 3 February 2011.
Free Gift[]
- Pack of 17 mini-Daleks
Information / Fact File (Photo feature and Essential Info)[]
- FACTFILE: The Five Best Dalek Armies
- FACTFILE: How to defeat a Dalek!
Comic content[]
- Quite Interesting (4 pages)
Mega Moments (favourite scene told as a photo-feature)[]
- From: TV: The Time of Angels - The Doctor is trapped by the Weeping Angels
Fast Facts[]
- SJA Alien Files: Hath
- A3 The Daleks
- A4 The Eleventh Doctor and Craig
- A4 Silurian Warrior
- A4 Rory Williams
Behind the scenes[]
- Simon Cornish (TARDIS builder) discusses his work for the Doctor Who Experience in London.
- Arthur Darvill Actor who plays Rory Williams
- see behind the scenes features
Also featuring[]
- Welcome and news (What's inside?)
- Gossip: Spoilers, Things they'd never say, Horror-scope, and Mons+erma+hics
- Find the: Florence the Plasmavore to win Wraith World - Sarah Jane Adventures audio book
- Big Puzzle: Dalek Jumble (2 pages)
- Puzzle page and Quiz
- Joke Time
- Readers contributions: Who and You Upload - featuring reader's letters, photos, and art.
- Who Knows! (Q &A)
- Picture Puzzle: Spot the Difference to win Lego heroes
- Competition Goodies (Doctor Who: Death Riders book, Lego City Police and Avantia book/iPod sets)
- Web Watch (DWA website news)
- Acting Editor: Paul Laing
- Production Editor: Liza Millett
- Senior Art Editor: Nikki Davies
Hidden Away / Facts[]
- There were only three Daleks (helped by Orgrons) for the Day of the Daleks invasion.
- Daleks have been known to hibernate when it is cold enough.
- The whole TARDIS console weighs a total of 6 tonnes – that's heavier than an elephant.
- The new Doctor Who Experience in London features an exact replica of the new TARDIS control room (and the old control room), as well as a crack in time!
- SPOILER!: The Shopkeeper and his parrot will return in The Sarah Jane Adventures.
- From the comic strip:
- The colour orange got its name from the fruit not the other way around.
- The Romans invented concrete, scissors and candles.
- Under their fur, tigers have stripy skin.
- Batology is the study of blackberries.
- The bat in The Jungle Book is called Mang.
- Cakes are soft and go hard, biscuits are hard and go soft.
- A vomitarium is the way to the exit in a Roman building.
- The closest living relative of the Tyrannosaurus Rex is ...the chicken.
Further information[]
- The subscription offer for this issue is four issues for £1 and a saving of 25% (UK).
- This issue had a cover price of £2.20 (UK) and the free gift was cover mounted.
- Next issue's free gift is promoted as sixteen mini-soldiers (Sontarans and Cybermen).