DWA 307
Doctor Who Adventures #307 was the issue of the magazine for the week beginning 14 February 2013.
Free gift[]
- One of two (Doctor or Dalek) themed document wallet, notepad and pencil sets.
Information / Fact File (Photo feature and Essential Info)[]
- FACT FILE: Sontarans
- FACT FILE: Dalek Survival Guide
- FUN FEATURE: Monster love pairings
Comic content[]
Fast Facts[]
- A3 Monster Rainbow montage
- A4 Eleventh Doctor and Clara Oswin Oswald
Behind the scenes[]
- A day in the life of a Cyberman on the film shoot for A Good Man Goes to War
- None this issue
Also featuring[]
- Welcome and news (Hello Time Travellers!)
- Geronimo: News,This Week in Who History, Hot or Not
- Jokes, Puzzle page and Quiz
- ACTIVITY: Draw a Cyberman
- Mega Moment
- What's on the Doctor's phone messages.
- Readers contributions: Who and You Upload - featuring reader's letters, photos, and art.
- Doctor, Doctor! (Q &A)
- Competition Goodies (Angry Birds k'nex, AppDrive and Doctor Who Invasion Earth Audio Set)
Their Valentine Monster
- Editor: Natalie Barnes The Gunslinger – tall dark and erm ...tall.
- Deputy Editor: Annabel Gibson The Host so they could fly me around
- Production Editor: Liza Millett The Abzorbaloff – the way to a monster's heart is through its tummy
- Senior Art Editor: Nikki Davies The Shakri, so we could snuggle up in front of the Tally
- Writer: Craig Donaghy A Slitheen, I could blame the parps on them
- Designer: Phil White I'd go for food with an Ood
Hidden Away / Facts[]
- Commander Strax was killed at Demons Run.
- The Sontaran are a clone race vulnerable to a blow to the probic vent on the back of their neck.
- Oswin Oswald wiped all the Dalek memories of the Doctor.
- The Daleks that invaded Earth in the year 2164 AD were identified as having thicker bases and a receiver disk on their back.
Further information[]
- There is no subscription offer promoted for this issue.
- This issue had a cover price of £2.99 (UK) and the free gift was cover mounted.
- Next issue's free gift is promoted as “a free amazing Who gift” (a re-issue).