DWA 344
Doctor Who Adventures #344 was the issue of the magazine for the fortnight beginning 23 April 2014.
Free gift[]
- 2 Weeping Angel Grabbers
Facts (Photo features and essential Info)[]
- Different Dalek Data
- Strax's Guide to ... Silence
- Annotated Picture:
Comic content[]
- Thrill-Seeker (Blipp.it page)
- Alien Babies! (Art by James Smart and words by Craig Donaghy)
- A3 The Paternoster Gang
- A4 Mr Sweet
- A4 Tenth Doctor
- A4 I is for Ice Warrior
Behind the scenes[]
- The Rings of Akhaten design secrets revealed.
- FUN: Cyberman interview with story checklist.
Also featuring[]
- Contents (including; finding the Weeping Angel to win a Doctor Who Official 50th Anniversary Annual)
- New Who News
- Puzzles
- Make it: Cybermat
- Counter Game: Angel Race
- Where's the Doctor? (two page search and find)
- Readers Letters Questions to.the Doctor!
- Competition Goodies: Tarzan goodie bag, Lego DC comics superheroes sets and Doctor Who Character Option figures
- 'You Who!' featuring reader's letters, photos, and art.
- Editor: Moray Laing
- Deputy Editor: Craig Donaghy
- Production Editor: Liza Millett
- Deputy Art Editor: Phil White
- Monster Assistant:
Hidden Away / Facts[]
- This issue continued to feature Blip.it pages that unlocked extra content when used with the blip.it app for portable devices (including the cover and comic story pages).
- The Dalek Supreme first appeared in Planet of the Daleks. The Supreme Dalek in Remembrance of the Daleks.
- The Dalek Emperor first appeared in The Evil of the Daleks. The Emperor Dalek in Remembrance of the Daleks (and was actually Davros in disguise).
- K-9 was first created by Professor Marinus in the year 5000.
Further information[]
- No subscription offer is available for this title.
- A Doctor Who Adventures app is now available £1.99 (UK).
- This issue had a cover price of £2.99 (UK) and the free gift was cover attached.
- Next issue's free gift is a Cyberman and Eleventh Doctor mask and two badges
External links[]
Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.