Doctor Who: The Encyclopedia (reference book)
- ️Thu Oct 04 2007
Doctor Who: The Encyclopedia is a reference book, as well as an interactive reference app, about Doctor Who and its related programs.
Book version[]
The first version of the Encyclopedia was a reference book, containing an alphabetical list of everything in the first three years of televised Doctor Who after its revival. It included references from all episodes from the first three series, including the Christmas specials. It also included the Tardisodes of Series 2, the animated story The Infinite Quest, and the prologue to 42.
Publisher's summary (2007 edition)[]
- Do you know what was playing on Cassandra's iPod?
- What was the name of Shakespeare's lost play?
- Where were the Slitheen planning to hide a tribophysical waveform macro-kinetic extrapolator?
There's no need to search time and space – it's all right here. From Autons to Anne Droid, from Cat Nuns to Canary Wharf, from Plasmavores to Pig Slaves... everything you need to know about everything you didn't know you needed to know about Doctor Who.
- Introduction
- 1 0207 946000 - 8.02am
- A ABBA - Axons
- B Back to the Future - Bywater
- C Caan, Dalek - The Cybermen
- D d'Étiolles, Madame - Dynamite
- E Ear pods - Expelliarmus
- F Family of Blood, The - Futurekind
- G Gaffabeque - Gwyneth
- H H2O Scoop - Hyposlip Travel Systems
- I 'I Can't Decide' - ITV
- J Jabe Ceth Ceth Jafe - Judoon Captain
- K K 37 Gem 5 - Kyoto
- L La Viva - Lynne, Jeff
- M M4 - Mystery of Edwin Drood and the Blue Elementals, The
- N Naming, the - Nurse [2]
- O O'Connor, Des - O'Brien Dot Delta Seventeen, Lady Cassandra
- PQ Pa - Quoldonity
- R Racnoss - Rutherford, Ernest
- S Sabre-toothed gorillas - Sycoraxic
- T 'Tainted Love' - Rose Tyler
- U Ultimate Upgrade - Utopia Project
- V Valiant - Vulcan salute
- W Wagner, Mr - Wristwatch
- XYZ X-Factor, The - Professor Yana
- Key to References
Notable features[]
- It covers the period from TV: Rose - TV: Last of the Time Lords, including TV: Children in Need Special, GAME: Attack of the Graske, WC: Tardisodes, PROSE: 42 Prologue, and the animated episode TV: The Infinite Quest.
- The Key to References page places GAME: Attack of the Graske as taking place between TV: Tooth and Claw and TV: School Reunion, and TV: The Infinite Quest as taking place between TV: 42 and TV: Human Nature.
- More than 1,700 entries and over 90,000 words.
- Gary Russell's Introduction included a list of 26 possible entries for a second edition, most were teases for the then upcoming Christmas special and fourth series. They include:
- Adipose
- Bannakaffalatta
- Blyton, Enid
- Carravaggio, Daniel
- Century House
- Chandrakala, Miss
- Foss Street
- Gray, Private
- Major Domo
- Noble Corporation PLC Limited - Intergalactic
- Passenger 57
- Peth, Astrid
- Rattigan, Mrs
- Red-Eye
- Red Widow, the
- Scoles, Mr
- Sense-Sphere
- Sibylline Oracles
- Silicon Valley
- Skree, Lt.
- Spartacus
- Spectre Inspectre
- Sto
- Unicorn
- Vespiform
- In DWM 388, Russell T. Davies in his regular page discusses the entry Cruciform. Gary had assumed from the Master's words, "I was there when the Dalek Emperor took control of the Cruciform," that it had occurred on Gallifrey because of the context. Russell T. Davies was clear in his own mind that it wasn't, that the Cruciform was "more terrible than I can say, of a scale and ferocity that's absolutely untransmittable on prime-time," a larger part of the "disgusting, horrific, temporal hell" that was the Time War.
- This non-jacketed hardback with a photographic cover was priced £14.99 (UK).
- In January 2014, the official website for Russell T Davies' book The Writer's Tale was discontinued, and the web domain redirected to that for the Doctor Who: The Encyclopedia app. After the app website's discontinuation, it instead redirected to Penguin Books' page for The Writer's Tale - The Final Chapter.
- Commissioning Editor: Mathew Clayton
- Project Editor: Steve Tribe
- Designer: Stuart Manning
- Acknowledgements: Andrew Pixley, Edward Russell, Matt Nicholls, Mark Oliver, John Roulston-Bates, Nicholas Pegg, Barnaby Edwards, Peter Anghelides, Joseph Lidster, Scott Handcock, Cameron Fitch and Kari Speers. Russell T Davies, Julie Gardner and Phil Collinson.
Publisher's summary (2011 edition)[]
- River Song still a riddle?
- Stumped by the stolen planets in the Medusa Cascade?
- Forgotten what happened in the timelines that never happened?
Look no further...
- Introduction
- A Abaddon - Azlok, Lord Knight
- B Babbington, Lady - Byzantium
- C Caan, Dalek - Cynaps
- D Da Costa - Dynamite
- E Ealing - Eye of Time, the
- F Face of Boe, the - Futurekind
- G Gable - Gypsies
- H H2O Scoop - Hywel, King of the Welsh
- I 'I Can't Decide' - ITV
- J Jabe - Justicia
- K K 37 Gem 5 - Kyoto
- L La Viva - Lynne, Jeff
- M Ma - Myths and Historical Impossibilities
- N Nainby, Mr - Nyssa
- O 'O Little Town of Bethlehem' - Oxygen Pockets
- PQ Pa - Quoldonity
- R Rachett - Ryder, Dr
- S Sabre-toothed gorillas - Sylvia
- T Tabitha - Tyler, Tony
- U Ultimate Sanction, the - Uvodni
- V Val - Vulcan Salute
- W Wagner, Mr - Wristwatch
- XYZ X-Factor, The - Zygons
- Key to References
Notable features[]
- It covers the period from TV: Rose - TV: The Wedding of River Song, including TV: Born Again, GAME: Attack of the Graske, WC: Tardisodes, PROSE: 42 Prologue, TV: The Infinite Quest, TV: Time Crash, TV: Music of the Spheres, TV: Dreamland, TV: Space, TV: Time, GAME: The Adventure Games, and the WC: Prequels.
- The Key to References page places GAME: Attack of the Graske as taking place between TV: Tooth and Claw and TV: School Reunion, TV: The Infinite Quest as taking place between TV: 42 and TV: Human Nature, TV: Music of the Spheres as taking place between TV: The Next Doctor and TV: Planet of the Dead, GAME: City of the Daleks, Blood of the Cybermen, TARDIS & Shadows of the Vashta Nerada as taking place between TV: Vincent and the Doctor and TV: The Lodger, and GAME: The Gunpowder Plot as taking place between TV: The Girl Who Waited and TV: The God Complex.
- More than 3,500 entries and over 200,000 words.
- The book notes that as it went to press, episodes 6.8 to 6.13 were being finalised for transmission, so there may have subsequently been some minor changes that were made too late to be included.
- The book was dedicated to Barry Letts, Elisabeth Sladen and Nicholas Courtney.
- Commissioning Editor: Albert DePetrillo
- Editorial Manager: Nicholas Payne
- Project Editor: Steve Tribe
- Designer: Richard Atkinson
- Production: Phil Spencer
- Acknowledgements:
App version[]

The app's entry about the Emperor Dalek.
In 2012, an app version of the book was made available for tablet devices. It featured an interactive reference guide with sections dedicated to specific areas of the TV show. An official website was launched for the app.
A new edition of the app was published in December 2012, incorporating material through Part 1 of Series 7. Despite neither the app nor website being updated for future series after this point, the website remained active until August 2015, after which point it redirected to Penguin Books' Doctor Who page.
External links[]
- Official website (archived)
- iTunes listing (archived)