


Fitzrovia was an area in London.

Polly Wright passed through Fitzrovia on her commute to the Post Office Tower in the 1960s. (AUDIO: Sleeper Agents) It had narrow streets and was in the area of the BT Tower and a museum where Polly later saw lockets with miniatures of Charles I and Oliver Cromwell, as well as one miniature of Christopher Whyte. (PROSE: The Roundheads)

In 1969, a stranger was spotting vandalising Wester Drumlins. A WPC named Monaghan was called to the place and apprehended the vandal, who proceeded to take her out for dinner and drinks in Fitzrovia. (PROSE: The Very Real Mystery of Wester Drumlins)

Behind the scenes[]

  • Polly, Charles I, Cromwell and Whyte are not named in the prologue scene of Polly visiting the museum. Neither is the museum, while the BT Tower is simply called "the Tower". However, all but the museum are recognisable based on the context of the book and of the TV story The War Machines.
  • Given that the BT Tower is an actual building in the district of Fitzrovia, a lot of filming for the The War Machines was done there.

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Greater London boroughs and districts
City of LondonLondonGreater London

BarkingBarnetBexleyBrentBromleyCamdenCity of LondonCity of WestminsterCroydonEalingFalingGreenwichHackneyHammersmithHaringeyHarrowHaveringHillingdonHounslowIslingtonKensingtonKingstonLambethLewishamMertonNewhamRedbridgeRichmondSouthwarkSuttonTower HamletsWalfordWaltham ForestWandsworth

Districts by borough
City of London
City of Westminster

HackneyHaggerstonShoreditch (including Coal Hill)

Tower Hamlets

Bethnal GreenBromley By BowCanary WharfPoplarStepneyWappingWhitechapel

Other districts

ActonAngelBaron's CourtBatterseaBloomsburyBowBrockleyBromptonCanning TownCatfordChelseaChiswickClaphamClerkenwellCovent GardenCroydon (including South Croydon)Deffry ValeDeptfordEast HamEdgwareFinchleyFitzroviaGolders GreenHainaultHamptonHeathrowHigh BarnetHighgateHolbornHolland ParkHollow PondsHoxtonIsle of DogsJacob's IslandKensal RiseKilburnKing's CrossKingston upon ThamesKnightsbridgeLimehouseMayfairMile EndMillwallMitchamMordenMuswell HillNew CrossNotting HillOlympic VillagePaddingtonPengePimlicoPlaistowPlumsteadRichmondRuislipShadwellShepherd's BushSohoSouth BankSouth KensingtonSouthallSpitalfieldsSt GilesStanmoreStoke NewingtonStratfordStreathamSydenhamThamesmeadTootingTyburnUpminsterUxbridgeVauxhallWalthamstowWillesdenWimbledonHainaultWoolwich

Real world locations
unconfirmed in
the DWU
Please do not add this template to pages relating to these unconfirmed real world locations.
Please note that this template is solely for the Greater London region, and so should not include locations from later equivalents of London such as Central City.