George Sewell
George Sewell

Birth date:
Death date:
Work in the DWU
Main roles:
Main jobs:
Main time period active:
Career highlights
Notable non-DWU work:
This Sporting Life, Z-Cars, The Flying Swan, The Power Game, Dixon of Dock Green, Redcap, Mr. Rose, Man in a Suitcase, Spindoe, The Caesars, Public Eye, Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased), UFO, Paul Temple, Get Carter, Special Branch, Barry Lyndon, The Sweeney, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Minder, Home James!, The Detectives, The Bill
His best known role was that of Colonel Alec Freeman in UFO. He also played Sammy Carson on Paul Temple, Detective Chief Inspector Alan Craven on Special Branch and Superintendent Cottam on The Detectives.