
Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart (Inferno Earth)

Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, also known as the Director, was the father of James and Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart on the Inferno Earth.


Unlike his main universe counterpart, Gordon did not die in World War II, as that war did not happen in his universe. By 1959 he was the Director of External Security for the British government. (PROSE: The Face of the Enemy, The Schizoid Earth)

Upon Alastair Lethbridge-Stewart's arrival in his reality in 1959, the two were introduced. (PROSE: The Schizoid Earth) Gordon took the boy under his wing, indoctrinating him into the RSF, drugging him heavily, and manipulating him into "the perfect fascist soldier". (PROSE: Ashes of the Inferno)

By the end of the 1960s, Gordon's hunger for power had placed him in office as President of the British Republic, after "arranging" the death of the incumbent Leader. (PROSE: I, Alastair, Night of the Intelligence)

In once source, it is heavily implied that the Leader before Gordon was the counterpart of the Doctor. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Revelation) It was suggested that it were posters of the previous Leader (PROSE: I, Alastair) that were seen by the Doctor, when visiting the Inferno Earth, (TV: Inferno) and recognising him as one of the faces he was offered at his trial, prompting him to realise that the dictator was none other than an alternative third self of his. (TV: The War Games, PROSE: Timewyrm: Revelation) Indeed, while another account implied that the Leader may have been a human tyrant, some seemingly propaganda-based rumours stated that he was something much more, having once possessed a "miraculous procedure" to extend his life that had since been taken away from him. The Leader also stated in his old age that his "hearts" were not what they once were, though whether this was a slip-up due to his frailty remained uncertain. (PROSE: I, Alastair)

Gordon died in the volcanic catastrophe that struck Great Britain in the aftermath of I-Day. He was succeeded as acting President by Marianne Kyle. (PROSEThe Face of the Enemy)

v  e

Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom
17th century
18th century
19th century
20th century
21st century

Inferno Earth

The LeaderGordon Lethbridge-StewartMarianne Kyle

Pete's World
The Year That
Never Was
River Song's World

Holy Roman Emperor Winston Churchill

Alternate timeline
Alternate timeline
Alternate timeline
Alternate timeline
Parallel universe
Parallel universe
Ruby's World
The Prime Ministers are listed in rough chronological order by their first term in office.
Please note that this template only uses information from fictional sources. Real world information should not enter into this.