
Harriet Jones, PM (poem)

Harriet Jones, PM was a poem in the anthology Now We Are Six Hundred.


When the world's in danger it's Harriet Jones, PM who saves the day. The world she shall save with her subwave network. Before it all turns sour, this was Harriet Jones' finest hour.



to be added


  • This poem is based upon Now We Are Six's Journey's End.
  • Rather than being exterminated by the Daleks, (as seen in The Stolen Earth) Harriet falls through a trapdoor and escapes on a motorbike. Regarding the change Russell T Davies explained that Phil Collinson, "who was the producer on Doctor Who when [they] killed Harriet Jones [had] nagged [Davies] about that ever since. So the first thing [he] did was send [the poem] to him". When asked "if it counted", he replied, "Absolutely. She's my character, that's my episode, I say that's true."[1] On Twitter, Davies later expanded his tale of Harriet's escape; "Harriet escaped! Her bike zoomed under the Dalek saucer, into the helicarrier of Miss Fitzpatrick's Collection, a cabal of billionaires. And far away, the Trickster smiled as another piece in his long game fell into place...".[2]



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Dalek prose stories
For the purposes of this list, a "Dalek prose story" is one in which one living, authentic Dalek plays a part within the confines of the story, outside of flashbacks to previous stories and cliffhangers that lead into the following story.
Dalek annuals
The Dalek Book
The Dalek World
The Dalek
Outer Space Book
Terry Nation's Dalek
Annual 1976
Terry Nation's Dalek
Annual 1977
Terry Nation's Dalek
Annual 1978
Doctor Who Magazine
Doctor Who
Poster Magazine
Virgin New Adventures
BBC Eighth
Doctor Adventures
Telos Doctor Who
Quick Reads
Doctor Who Files
Short Trips
Series Adventures
Puffin eshort
NSA anthologies
The Brilliant Book 2011
Dr. Men
Now We Are Six Hundred
Dalek: The Astounding
Untold History of the
Greatest Enemies
of the Universe
Time Lord Victorious
Because of the ubiquity of this race, no attempt will be made here to list every appearance in every medium. Instead, we focus on prose appearances here, and invite you to explore a complete list of appearances elsewhere.