
Heather Threadstone


Heather Threadstone was the daughter of Professor Threadstone and a scientist herself, like her father. Like her father, she was a friend of the Sixth Doctor, and accompanied him during the investigation of the Dominus Institute in 2016. The Doctor helped in her investigation of her missing father and discovered the Decayed Master's involvement. (AUDIO: Vampire of the Mind)

Behind the scenes[]

While she has so far only appeared once, Colin Baker refers to her as a new companion of the Sixth Doctor in the behind the scenes interviews on the Vampire of the Mind CD. Furthermore, in the behind the scenes interviews for Quicksilver, Baker says that, "if [he] could have a third companion [he'd have] Constance Clarke, Flip Jackson, and [Heather Threadstone]".

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Companions of the Sixth Doctor
Original to television
Original to prose
Original to comics
Original to audio
Original to stage plays

Jason  • Crystal  • Zog

Original to video games
Original to webcasts
The Sixth Doctor's companions from stage plays are difficult to assert with certainty, as different actors played the Doctor in the same play. If a medium is not mentioned, then this incarnation did not have companions who were original to that medium; it does not mean that this Doctor failed to appear in that medium.