
Iceberg (novel)

  • ️Thu Sep 16 1993


prose stub

Iceberg is the eighteenth novel in the Virgin New Adventures series, and was published in 1993. It was written by David Banks. It features the Seventh Doctor. This novel takes place at the same time as Birthright, with the events of both novels occurring concurrently for the Doctor, Ace and Bernice Summerfield.

Publisher's summary[]

"Depends on how you define alien," the Doctor said simply. "They were human once."

In 2006 the world is about to be overwhelmed by a disaster that might destroy human civilisation: the inversion of the Earth's magnetic field. Deep in an Antarctic base, the FLIPback team is frantically devising a system to reverse the change in polarity.

Above them, the SS Elysium carries its jet-set passengers on the ultimate cruise. On board is Ruby Duvall, a journalist sent to record the FLIPback moment. Instead she finds a man called the Doctor, who is locked out of the strange green box he says is merely a part of his time machine. And she finds old enemies of the Doctor: silver giants at work beneath the ice.


to be added



The Doctor[]

  • The Doctor is inspired to walk barefoot through the TARDIS to the Jade Pagoda. He ends up in snowdrifts without his shoes.
  • He borrows a multi-coloured coat from Ruby. It reminds him of a coat he wore in a previous incarnation.
  • He is approaching 1000 years old. At the time his first incarnation regenerated, he was 450.
  • He once spoke with the psychologist Alfred Adler, which helped him to understand part of Cyber psychology.




  • The Earth's population is approaching 8 billion.
  • "The plague" is a name for all diseases across the planet, a product of the changing environment.
  • The Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurred in April 1986. 80,000 people died of cancer as a result of the disaster.
  • Mondas was not granted status as the tenth planet in the solar system. In 1994, the planet Cassius was discovered and earned that status.


  • SlapRap is a style of music.
  • In the early 1970s, the song "Ruby Tuesday" is playing on the transistor radio.


Pop culture[]


  • The events of this novel runs parallel with those of the novel Birthright.
  • Author David Banks was an actor in the TV series, having played Cybermen on several occasions. Although not the first Doctor Who actor to write a novel (Ian Marter wrote novelisations and the original work Harry Sullivan's War previously), he was the only past Doctor Who actor to contribute a work to the New Adventures line.
  • A prelude to this novel was published in DWM 204.
  • Like Transit this novel also includes language more profane than had previously appeared in Doctor Who television stories.
  • In the preface, Banks notes the book follows the Cyberman chronology he established in his reference book Cybermen.
  • An unabridged audiobook of the story was recorded by David Banks for the RNIB in 2004. It is only available to the registered blind.


Cover gallery[]

Original cover

Original cover

Textless cover

Textless cover

External links[]

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Virgin Books New Adventures

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Cyberman stories
For the purposes of this list, a "Cyberman story" is one in which one living, authentic Cyberman plays a part within the confines of the story, outside of flashbacks to previous stories and cliffhangers that lead into the following story. For this reason, stories such as Dalek are absent due to only featuring deceased Cybermen on display. Stories like Carnival of Monsters, A Good Man Goes to War and The Vanquishers are also not included due to the Cybermen's appearance being of little consequence to the plot of the story.

Sword of OrionSpare PartsReal TimeThe HarvestSilver LiningProfessor Bernice Summerfield and the Crystal of CantusThe ReapingThe GatheringThe Blue ToothHuman ResourcesThe Girl Who Never WasThe Ultimate AdventureKingdom of SilverLegend of the CybermenThe Silver TurkLast of the CybermenReturn to TelosThe Isos NetworkThe Tyrants of LogicCode Silver / Master of WorldsHour of the CybermenConversionReturn of the CybermenThe Gates of HellScourge of the CybermenAltered StatusMonsters in MetropolisSecrets of TelosWay of the Burryman / The Forth GenerationBad Day in TinseltownWillkommenWulfÜbermenschAuf WiedersehenThe Great Cyber-WarSins of the FleshThe Trials of a Time LordThe QuintessenceGenesis of the Cybermen

The Cybermen
Supremacy of
the Cybermen

Complete list of appearances