
Imperial Dalek (In Remembrance)

An Imperial Dalek arrived in 2016 after travelling through the Coal Hill Space-Time Rift from 1963, materialising in the Coal Hill gym where it chased Ace, Miss Quill, and Charlie Smith until they eluded it. It located a computer room and accessed the internet, locating UNIT files on the "Shoreditch Incident." Alarmed by the Dalek defeat, it downloaded the information and intended to travel back to change history. Ace set a trap using nitro-9 and collapsed the roof onto the Dalek, but it still survived, although impaired. It talked Miss Quill into helping repair its motor units in order to travel back and save Charlie, who'd been transported to 1963. Upon reaching him, the Daleks fell victim to the Seventh Doctor's trap with the Hand of Omega, the Imperial Dalek dying before it could give its information to the Imperial Dalek mothership. (AUDIO: In Remembrance)