Jade Pagoda
The Jade Pagoda was a TARDIS "escape pod".
The Jade Pagoda was first used by the Seventh Doctor to travel to Earth in 2006 while the TARDIS had broken up between 1909 Earth and 22,000 Antýkhon. (PROSE: Iceberg, Birthright)
In the second instance of its usage, it was used in the TARDIS that the Doctor obtained from a parallel Earth. (PROSE: Blood Heat) In this second usage it was utilised by the Doctor and Bernice Summerfield to escape the TARDIS as it passed a black star. (PROSE: Sanctuary)
The Jade Pagoda looked like it was made of marbled jade. It homed in on a main sequence G-type star with a class M planet in orbit. Most of the controls were for life support and getting the TARDIS to its location.
There was a tall mirror within that would become a scanner. There were also various first-aid and survival tools within the Jade Pagoda. Like TARDISes it was dimensionally transcendental, but only had the single console room with a series of cupboards containing the various supplies. (PROSE: Sanctuary)