Jake Simmonds
Jake Simmonds was a young member of the resistance group called the Preachers. They opposed John Lumic's Cybermen on a parallel Earth.
A mysterious individual going by the username "ChatGuest1", knew about Jake Simmonds but refused to elaborate to other individuals if asked. (GAME: Cybus Spy)
As part of the Preachers' investigations, Jake witnessed Mr Crane kidnapping homeless people in Blackfriars, which he likened to the Child Catcher. He later kidnapped Mickey Smith with Mrs Moore, both of them thinking Mickey was his parallel counterpart, Ricky. However, when they arrived at their base, they found Ricky already there, leading to them restraining and interrogating Mickey.
After Ricky got a message from "Gemini", Mickey joined the Preachers in following an International Electromatics van to Jackie Tyler's birthday party, which the Cybermen attacked. (TV: Rise of the Cybermen)
Following the attack, the Preachers rescued the Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler and Peter Tyler, and headed for Battersea Cyber-factory. After the Cybermen killed Ricky, Mickey joined Jake in helping deactivate the transmitter controls on Lumic's zeppelin, freeing people of Cybus control. Jake and Mickey saved the Doctor Rose and Pete from the factory, and Mickey decided not to return to his own universe, but to stay behind to shut down other Cyberman factories. He told Jake that he wasn't trying to replace Ricky, but that they could remember him by fighting in his name. Their first destination was Paris. (TV: The Age of Steel)
Jake detailed events about the war with the Cybermen. (GAME: Cyber Assault)
During the Cybermen attack on Torchwood Tower in Mickey's home universe, Jake, Pete, Mickey and other soldiers came from the parallel Earth and killed numerous Cybermen. When the Tenth Doctor sealed the breach between the two universes, all the parallel Earth soldiers that survived the attack returned to their own world, including Jake. (TV: Doomsday)
Jake cared for Ricky, not wanting to put him or his family at risk. At times, Jake was rather impulsive, thinking an AK-47 loaded with bullets would stop Cybermen, and would've killed the human guards protecting Lumic's transmitter if not for Mickey pointing out he would be no better than those he was fighting. (TV: Rise of the Cybermen / The Age of Steel)
He believed Peter Tyler to be at fault for Lumic's rise to power, and that justice had to be done: in his words, execution. After the group splitup to avoid the Cybermen, Jake's main priority was whether Ricky had survived when only Mickey came to regroup with the rest of them. Afterwards, he held Mickey in contempt as he only gave him bad memories, telling Mickey he was "nothing" and not wanting him coming along with him to attack Lumic's transmitter. After stopping the Cybermen in London, however, he recognised Mickey had done good and respected his decision to stay and continue fighting the Cybermen in Ricky's name. (TV: The Age of Steel)
Behind the scenes[]
- In a deleted scene, Jake revealed that Ricky was his boyfriend.
- Andrew Hayden-Smith's appearances on Doctor Who editions of both The Weakest Link and Pointless, as well as sitting with the companions during Doctor Who Live: The Afterparty, bring into question Jake's status as a possible one-off companion.