John Major
Mr John Major was a Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 1991 (COMIC: The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational And Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic [+]Dan Abnett, et al., Fleetway Publications (1991).) and 1996 who, according to the Eighth Doctor, served between Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair. (PROSE: Interference - Book One [+]Lawrence Miles, BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 1999).)
As Prime Minister[]
Red Nose Day 1991[]
According to a book, Mr John Major donned a Red Nose during Red Nose Day 1991 in a "desperate effort to make himself more colourful". During this, he mentioned that he didn't know his "ERM" from his "ECU" and referred to himself as "John Majors". (COMIC: The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational And Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic [+]Dan Abnett, et al., Fleetway Publications (1991).)
His framed photograph was present in 10 Downing Street. (TV: Aliens of London [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 1 (BBC One, 2005).)
Behind the scenes[]
- Major's forename wasn't given in Interference, but the common-sense interpretation of the passage is that the author was referencing the real-life Prime Minister John Major.
- Due to the 1997 general election,The Dying Days [+]Lance Parkin, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997). mentions an election but doesn't say if the Prime Minister is new or a returning Major.
- Major was played by Keith Drinkel in Thatcher: The Final Days, Michael Maloney in Margaret and Jonny Lee Miller in The Crown.