Joshua Jobel
Joshua Jobel, hailing from the star system Sifton 31, (PROSE: Revelation of the Daleks) was the chief embalmer of Tranquil Repose on Necros.
Jobel wore a wig, as he was bald; was very self-absorbed, and sarcastic to others.
At the time he was to hold the funeral for President Vargos' late wife, Tranquil Repose had been taken over by the Great Healer. Jobel considered himself Davros' most loyal servant, mainly because Davros used hidden security cameras to watch the staff.
A third-year student of his, Tasambeker, was very much in love with him, though he always insulted her. When he met Peri Brown, he became infatuated with her and made repeated advances on her, even though Peri made it clear she was repulsed by him.
Takis and Lilt, two other employees, came to Jobel with a plan to get rid of Davros, and he accepted. Davros, watching this event with Tasambeker, convinced her to kill him. She didn't want to, though, and tried to convince Jobel that Davros wanted him dead. Tasambeker tried to explain that Davros lied as freely as Jobel picked up women. This led him to believe that Tasambeker was motivated by her attraction to him. Jobel then proceeded to tear Tasambeker down, insulting her and stating that his own mother would be more desirable.
Distraught, Tasambeker grabbed a syringe and stabbed Jobel in the chest, killing him, tearfully declaring her hatred for him. Jobel died on the steps of the casket dais, his wig falling off as he died, and Tasambeker was exterminated by the Daleks soon after. (TV: Revelation of the Daleks)
Behind the Scenes[]
- Roy Kinnear and Ronald Lacey were considered for the role.[1]