
Louise Bayliss

Louise Bayliss — also known as Lou — was Liz Shaw's assistant for a year at P.R.o.B.e., an organisation that Liz set up in the late 20th century.


Although Louise did assist in Liz's investigations, her responsibilities were largely at Ashley House, doing research and administration and making tea. Although she knew of Liz's research at Cambridge, she was unaware of her career at UNIT, being told that it was "hush hush".

Louise assisted Liz with her investigation into the murders around the Hawthorne clinic, helping her to convince Patsy Haggard not to let the case go to Scotland Yard. She told Liz who Peter Russell was and surmised that he kept the clinic open because of his family ties after Liz discovered his connection to Jeremiah O'Kane.

Whilst Liz visited Russell and Colin Dove, Louise asked Beatrice Hearst and Julie Gilchrist about William Bruffin's murder. From her, she obtained a transfer record showing that Dove had moved Patient Zero to the hospital at the same time that the killing began. (HOMEVID: The Zero Imperative)

In 1995, after her father's death, Liz took a few weeks of compassionate leave. During this time, Sir Richard Stevenson was replaced as the minister in charge of P.R.O.B.E. with Brian Rutherford, who saw no need for the organisation and transferred Louise to a different department, leaving Liz as its only member. (HOMEVID: The Devil of Winterborne) She had been transferred to the Home Office to work with Sir Andrew Williams. (PROSE: The Last Dose) Louise was somewhat happy that Rutherford had made the transfer however, as it "made the goodbyes easier". (PROSE: The Last Dose)

During her investigation at Winterborne School following her return to duty, Liz told D.I. Burke that she used to have an assistant who was very good at research. (HOMEVID: The Devil of Winterborne)

In 2000, Louise travelled to Ashley House upon Patsy's call to Sir Andrew, where she was requested by Patsy to return to P.R.O.B.E. for a short time to oversee the containment of the Cyberon drug at the PKD facility in London. While she had been mocked by the teams from Geneva and Canary Wharf for coming from such an underfunded group, her affiliation with Sir Andrew Williams and the Ministry instilled respect when she told them. Louise witnessed Tom Mordley breaking into the facility, following him into an unsecured area. She saw him murder Albert, and then was commanded by the Cyberon who manufactured the drug to kill Louise, but she was able to restore Tom's freedom with her gold necklace that interfered with the connection the Cyberon had to Tom's nervous system, and Tom destroyed the Cyberon, but soon died himself.

Louise returned to Ashley House, where Patricia told her about Tom and his family. Louise asked if she could possibly return to P.R.O.B.E., but was told by Patricia that they didn't have the budget for another member, nor would Sir Andrew agree to the transfer. Louise then went Lauren Anderson's flat, who had known Tom in life, and Louise told her that she was a good person and that she should return to her job. When leaving the flat, for a moment, her skin glowed silver. (PROSE: The Last Dose)

She attended Tom's funeral with Patricia and her partner. (PROSE: Silver-Tongued Liars)

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Members of P.R.O.B.E.
Ministry overseers
The Team