
Louise Jameson


Louise Jameson (born 20 April 1951[1]) played Leela, the leather-clad warrior companion of the Fourth Doctor, from The Face of Evil to The Invasion of Time. She later reprised the role for the anniversary special, Dimensions in Time, and for several Big Finish Productions audio adventures.

She has also appeared as Patricia Haggard in four direct-to-video adventures of the investigating organisation P.R.O.B.E., with Caroline John as Liz Shaw.

Jameson has also appeared on Emmerdale (as Sharon Crossthwaite), The Omega Factor (as Dr. Anne Reynolds), Tenko (as Blanche Simmons), Bergerac (as Susan Young) and EastEnders (as Rosa di Marco). Fellow EastEnders cast member Leslie Grantham, who appeared in Resurrection of the Daleks, has credited Jameson with inspiring him to pursue a career in drama while he was serving time in prison.

Jameson attended the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art with her successor on Doctor Who, Mary Tamm, and spent two years with the Royal Shakespeare Company, performing in Romeo and Juliet, The Taming of the Shrew, King Lear, and Blithe Spirit. Other stage appearances include the first production of Passion Play.

In the early 1980s, Jameson modelled for photographs for one of Lalla Ward's knitting books, wearing some of Ward's designs.

Louise is the subject of MJTV's The Actor Speaks Volume 5, in which she discusses herself, her acting career and the various roles in which she has appeared.

In 2013, she partnered up with Frazer Hines in the Doctor Who edition of Pointless Celebrities. In 2015, she appeared in the annual Christmas special of the show partnered with Colin Baker. Five years later, she went on the show again (in a Sci-Fi edition), this time partnered with Matthew Waterhouse.

Personal life[]

She is married to actor David Warwick. She was also the former partner of Timelash guest actor Robert Ashby. (DCOM: In Conversation)

In the DWU[]

Louise Jameson portrayed herself in the webcast Home Assistant, of which she was the main protagonist.

Actor Credits[]

As Leela


Doctor Who[]



The Collection[]


Doctor Who Main Range[]

Special Releases[]

The Lost Stories[]

The Fourth Doctor Adventures[]

Philip Hinchcliffe Presents[]

Dalek Universe[]

The Fifth Doctor Adventures[]

Ravenous 3[]

The War Doctor[]

Tenth Doctor Classic Companions[]

Classic Doctors, New Monsters[]

The Companion Chronicles[]

Short Trips[]


Gallifrey: Time War[]

Gallifrey: War Room[]

Jago & Litefoot[]

The Eighth of March[]

Other Roles



As Patricia Haggard


The Collection[]


Doctor Who Main Range[]

Novel Adaptations[]

The Ninth Doctor Adventures[]

The War Doctor Begins[]

The Companion Chronicles[]

Doctor Who Unbound[]

Jago & Litefoot[]

The Robots[]


Audiobook Readings[]

Target Novelisations[]

Doctor Who Audio Annuals[]

The Amazing World of Doctor Who[]

Dalek Audio Annuals[]

Iris Wildthyme and Friends[]

Time Hunter Novels[]



  • Doctor Who's Who's Who



Doctor Who Confidential[]

DVD and Blu-ray[]



Director Credits[]

Doctor Who Main Range[]

The War Doctor Begins[]

The Companion Chronicles[]

The Robots[]

The Eighth of March[]

Writer Credits[]

The Fourth Doctor Adventures[]

The Eighth of March[]

External links[]
