
Music and Monsters (CON episode)

Music and Monsters was the episode of Doctor Who Confidential broadcast alongside The Runaway Bride.

Unusually, this episode bore a subtitle. Instead of just Doctor Who Confidential, it went out under the banner Doctor Who Confidential Christmas Special.

This episode, similar to the previous year's Backstage at Christmas, had a limited amount of information regarding production of The Runaway Bride as it was broadcast several hours before the Christmas special; instead its focus was the 2006 Doctor Who-themed Children in Need benefit concert, Doctor Who: A Celebration.

This episode was co-produced with BBC Music.

Doctor Who Confidential Xmas 2006 logo

Special logo used for this episode.

Aspects of production covered[]

  • The origin of the concert from Julie Gardner and Murray Gold.
  • Rehearsal of the orchestra and the camera crew.
  • The challenges of being the composer for Doctor Who.
  • Choreography for the monster actors, and rehearsing the different styles of movement for them, as well as rehearsals for the people who would be 'possessed' by the Sycorax within the concert
  • Murray Gold discusses some of his pieces, and his reasoning for designing them in the way that he did.
  • Bringing a Dalek onto stage for the concert, and Barnaby Edwards discusses the rehearsal process for the production.
  • Nicholas Briggs discusses improvising for the concert, as he had no fixed script for the Dalek.
  • Having Cybermen within the audience, and the logistics of that.
  • First day of filming on The Runaway Bride.
  • Catherine Tate talks about the character of Donna, and the excitement of being part of Doctor Who.
  • Russell T Davies and Julie Gardner discuss the positive reception of the concert.

Additional topics covered[]

  • The tight timeframe (half a day) between getting into the Wales Millennium Centre to set up and the actual performance.
  • Discussion of the history and effectiveness of the theme for Doctor Who, and some of the different versions of it through the classic run of the show.
  • David Tennant talks about his nervousness at presenting the event.
  • Presentation of some of the music pieces performed at the concert.
  • A excerpt from The Runaway Bride, shown at the concert as a sneak preview as it had yet to be broadcast, along with orchestral accompaniment.

People interviewed[]


General production staff Camera and lighting department

Special and visual effects

General post-production staff


Concert Production Team
  • BBC National Orchestra and Chorus of Wales
  • Senior Producer - Tim Thorne
  • Orchestra Manager - Byron Jenkins
  • Chorus Manager - Osian Rowlands
  • Engineering Managers - John Eynon, Hugh Davidson
  • OB Sound - Keith Thomas
  • Camera Supervisor - Mike Goodman
  • Show Caller - Kate Salberg
  • OB Production Assistant - Sian Parry
  • Vision Mixer - Alison Bartrop
BBC Wales
Not every person who worked on this episode was credited. The absence of a credit for a position doesn't necessarily mean the job wasn't required. The information above is based solely on observations of the actual end credits of the episodes as broadcast, and does not relay information from IMDB or other sources.

Elements retained in Cut Down[]

There was no "Cut Down" version of this episode.

Home video releases[]

The Complete David Tennant Years DVD Region 1 US cover

The Complete David Tennant Years DVD
Region 1 US cover

The Complete Series Three DVD box-set

The Runaway Bride DVD Cover

The Runaway Bride DVD Cover

Doctor Who: The Complete Series One to Four DVD box-set

Doctor Who: The Complete Series One to Four DVD box-set

Doctor Who: The Complete Series One to Seven DVD box-set

Doctor Who: The Complete Series One to Seven DVD box-set

The full length version of the episode was included on the Doctor Who: The Runaway Bride DVD released on 2 April 2007; and the Doctor Who: The Complete Third Series DVD box set released on 5 November 2007.

v  e

Doctor Who Confidential episodes
Series 1
Special episodes

Pre-Premiere: Doctor Who: A New Dimension • Pre-Finale: The Ultimate Guide

Regular episodes
Series 2
Special episodes

DVD only: Backstage at Christmas • Pre-Premiere: One Year On

Regular episodes
Series 3
Special episodes

Christmas special: Music and Monsters • DVD only: Freema Agyeman Studio Tour

Regular episodes
Series 4
Special episodes

Children in Need Special: Children in Need Special • 2007 Christmas special: Kylie Special

Regular episodes
Special episodes
2009 Specials
Series 5
Regular episodes
DVD only
Series 6
Special episodes
Charlie McDonnell series
Regular episodes
DVD only
See also: Designs on Doctor Who
Episodes listed here are only those that have been officially licensed by the BBC.