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Newsreader (disambiguation)
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Newsreader is a title applied to several individuals. They are listed below by number of appearances, then alphabetical order by surname; when no surname is available, alphabetisation occurs by the disambiguation term.
Newsreaders with unknown names[]
By story[]
- Newsreader (TV: The Christmas Invasion, Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?, The Lost Boy, Voyage of the Damned, Turn Left, The Stolen Earth)
- Newsreader (TV: Invasion of the Bane, TV: The Sound of Drums, The Bells of Saint John)
- Newsreader 2 (TV: The Christmas Invasion, TV: Secrets of the Stars)
- Interviewer (TV: Oroborus)
- Interviewer (TV: The War Machines)
- Meredith Vieira (TV: The Wedding of River Song)
- Newsreader (COMIC: Ghost Stories)
- Newsreader (TV: End of Days)
- Newsreader (TV: Rise of the Cybermen)
- Newsreader (COMIC: Sticks & Stones)
- Newsreader (Tardisode 13) (WC: Tardisode 13)
By nationality[]
- French newsreader (TV: Army of Ghosts, Secrets of the Stars, Children of Earth: Day Three and Day Four)
- Chinese newsreader (TV: The Sound of Drums)
- Indian newsreader (TV: Army of Ghosts)
- Japanese newscaster (TV: Escape to LA, The Categories of Life)
- Japanese newsreader (TV: Army of Ghosts)
- Spanish newscaster (TV: Escape to LA, The Categories of Life)
- Female anchor (TV: The New World)
- Female anchor 2 (TV: The New World)
- Female anchor 3 (TV: The New World)
- Male anchor (TV: The New World)
- Male anchor 2 (TV: The New World)
- Senior male anchor (TV: The New World)
Newsreaders whose names are known[]
- Trinity Wells (see list)
- Scott Christie (AUDIO: The Coup, The Longest Night)
- Tom Hitchinson (TV: Aliens of London/World War Three)
- Louise Minchin (TV: Children of Earth: Day Two, Children of Earth: Day Three)
- Sally Calypso (TV: Gridlock)
- Natalie Hamilton (AUDIO: The Reaping)
- Joanna (TV: Doctor Who)
- Mi-Jung Kanaka (TV: Doctor Who)
- Kenneth Kendall (TV: The War Machines)
- Alex MacIntosh (TV: Day of the Daleks)
- Louise Marlowe (TV: The Nightmare Man)
- Cameron Marsh (TV: The Gift)
- Lizo Mzimba (TV: Mona Lisa's Revenge)
- Scott (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan)
- James Stevens (PROSE: Who Killed Kennedy)
- Trevor (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan)
- Vinny (TV: Delta and the Bannermen)
- John Wakefield (TV: The Ambassadors of Death)
- Kirsty Wark (TV: The Poison Sky)
- Nicholas Witchell (TV: Voyage of the Damned)