
Nicky (Lonely)

Nicky was twelve years old, and he was beaten at home. Nicky was convinced it was for his own good, that he had to be punished.

He once joined an internet chat room called #areyoulonely. Faceless43 and Shirley1968 were worried about him, but he refused to give out his address online per warnings given by his teachers. He also refused to tell who hurt him, as he knew he'd be in trouble for saying.

He found it funny that DrLuvin thought the channel was for sex, and also appreciated Faceless43's joke that the chat room was "Bring Your Own Existential Crisis".

He decided it was time for him to go, and was worried when he found he wasn't able to log out. Suddenly, he wasn't able to see the screen at all, or indeed his hands, and wrote, "I don't know where I am." "My hands are gone, and so are my eyes, and so is my body."

Finally, the Eighth Doctor came on, under the name Jsmith8, and explained the situation. Nicky asked him if he was here to help. The Doctor liked Nicky, as he asked all the right questions.

The Doctor tricked the intelligence into giving him admin powers, and he was able to remove IamI's powers in the group, trapping it, just like the rest of them. After he did so, the Doctor was surprised to find out that Nicky was not already aware of his plan, as Nicky had been willing to go along with staying with the others and with IamI. He told him, "There's no freedom in hiding away."

Before returning Nicky to his body, the Doctor promised him there would be a knock at the door shortly. "Nobody will hurt you tonight." Nicky thought he'd be in trouble, but the Doctor said, "Trouble's coming, but not for you."

He explained to the others that Nicky would be free of that place, and of the people that were abusing him. He also suggested that Faceless43 and Shirley should get in touch with Nicky, as he'd be pleased to meet them. (PROSE: Lonely)