Outpost commander
The Time Lords believed the Gold Dalek who oversaw Operation Divide and Conquer and the Time Paradox Incident to be a subordinate "outpost commander" who deputised for the Dalek Supreme. They likened this subordinate status to the spaceship commander who served under the Supreme Controller of the Dalek Earthforce. (PROSE: Dalek Combat Training Manual) By one account, during the Time Paradox Incident, the Gold Dalek was itself supported by a Black Dalek. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks)
The Dalek Survival Guide noted this unit as a Dalek Supreme yet also claimed the Dalek was never called by that rank, leading to the theory that it was actually a sub-commander or Chief. (PROSE: Dalek Survival Guide) Other Daleks of the same casing design were concretely called Supremes, however. (AUDIO: Poison of the Daleks, Eye of Darkness) According to human historians in the post-Time War universe, the Gold Dalek was a member of the Dalek Supreme Council. (PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe)
Behind the scenes[]
- John Scott Martin, who operated the Gold Dalek in both Day of the Daleks and Frontier in Space episode six, was credited as "Chief Dalek" in the Radio Times on both occasions.
- The Universal Databank identifies the Gold Dalek seen in Day of the Daleks as a "Dalek Warlord" and potentially an "avatar" of the Black Dalek. It is claimed that both Black Daleks and Gold Daleks were below the Emperor Dalek's Dalek Council.
- The Dalek Handbook classes the Gold Dalek as a Commander, subordinate to the Dalek Supreme and above the grey Dalek Leaders. In their list of real world paradigms, The Dalek Handbook counts the Gold Dalek in a "1972-1985" paradigm with the grey Daleks and the Dalek Supreme.
- The Dalek Tapes, a feature in the Genesis of the Daleks DVD, presented both the Gold Dalek and the gold-and-black Dalek Supreme as members of the Dalek Supreme Council. This notion was later confirmed in a narrative source, Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe.
- The Gold Dalek was released by Character Options as the "Gold Supreme Dalek".