Phaidon was the home planet of the time-travelling species known as the Warpsmiths or Warpwrights. (PROSE: Parallel Lives) It orbited binary stars (AUDIO: Enemy Lines) and was located in the Phaidonian system. (AUDIO: Celestial Intervention)
Under new laws put forward by Lord President Romana II, which allowed for non-Time Lord students to enrol at the Time Lord Academy, at least one tutor from Phaidon was under their employ. At one point, this tutor was planning on shedding their body, and Braxiatel expected her to inform her students that, on next seeing her, he would be male. (AUDIO: Lies) Some students came from Phaidon as well. (AUDIO: Insurgency)
At the start of the Last Great Time War, the Daleks sent a seemingly derelict ship into Phaidon's system. Tricking the Warpwrights, the Daleks launched an attack on the planet, reducing its population of nine billion down to five thousand. The survivors escaped in a timeship to Gallifrey where they were given asylum. (AUDIO: Celestial Intervention)