A photograph often shorten to photo and also known has a image or a picture was an image recorded by a camera, or the act of recording the image in a technique called photography.
According to one account, Charles Dickens was photographed outside a building in 1869 while the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler approached the Lodge, in the background; (PROSE: Rose sighting confirmed [+]BBC webteam, Who is Doctor Who? (BBC, 2005).) although another account showed that Dickens was inside the Lodge at that point. (TV: The Unquiet Dead [+]Mark Gatiss, Doctor Who series 1 (BBC One, 2005).) Alternately, one account showed that the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler were photographed, but without Dickens being in said photograph. (PROSE: Mickey's Blog [+]James Goss and Steve Tribe, The Doctor: His Lives and Times (BBC Books, 2013).)
The Manchester Ship Canal Co. photographed the Elysium and the Erebus in 1887 and 1888. (PROSE: The Elysium [+]North West Historical Society (Punchdrunk and BBC, 2011).)
Byulnians were drew power from attention and memories. Because of this, laws were put in place on Byulna that prohibited the use of photographs and anything else capable of recording past moments. (AUDIO: 1963: Fanfare for the Common Men [+]Eddie Robson, Main Range (Big Finish Productions, 2013).)
In the 1970s, a policeman tried to stop Jamie McCrimmon, Zoe Heriot and Isobel Watkins from going into the sewers to photograph the Cybermen. (TV: The Invasion [+]Derrick Sherwin, Doctor Who season 6 (BBC1, 1968).)
In 1972, the last Apollo moon mission, Apollo 17, launched. The mission took the photograph known as The Blue Marble, which showed the human race how small their world was in comparison to the universe. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary [+]Chris Farnell, BBC Children's Books (2020).)
In 1994, Dr Jeremiah O'Kane kept an album with photos of his family, including Daniel and Peter Russell. Liz Shaw had a photo of Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart on the wall of the P.R.O.B.E. office at Ashley House. (HOMEVID: The Zero Imperative [+]Mark Gatiss, P.R.O.B.E. (BBV Productions, 1994).)

A selection of the photographs owned by Clive Finch. (PROSE: Rose [+]Russell T Davies, adapted from Rose (Russell T Davies), Target novelisations (Target Books, 2018). Edition: 2023 Illustrated Edition.)
The website Doctor Who? had multiple photographs of the Ninth Doctor and asked to contact Clive if anyone had seen him. (TV: Rose [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 1 (BBC One, 2005)., PROSE: Have You Seen This Man? [+]various authors, Who is Doctor Who? (BBC, 2005).) Although, according to another account, the website had photographs of primarily an incarnation with a scarf. Clive also owned photographs of the Fugitive Doctor, her two successors, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, War, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Doctors. (PROSE: Rose [+]Russell T Davies, adapted from Rose (Russell T Davies), Target novelisations (Target Books, 2018). Edition: 2023 Illustrated Edition.)
In March 2005, one of the website's readers, Benjamin McKenzie, wrote that earlier that day, in the Melbourne Immigration Museum, he had found a photograph from 1892 of the Ninth Doctor standing among a group of Irish immigrants. Dave Tonbridge, another reader, had a photo of his parents at their wedding that proved that the Ninth Doctor was their best man. In a photo of David Grant's father during his army days, the Doctor was present in the background. The Doctor also appeared in a book of photographs of Victoria, which WillH noted that there weren't many people in the 19th century who wore leather jackets. (PROSE: Have You Seen This Man? [+]various authors, Who is Doctor Who? (BBC, 2005).)
After a new webmaster took over the website within the week following the Dummy Massacre on 26 March, a notice was put up saying that the photographs featured on the site weren't necessarily used under copyright, and while no infringement was intended, the site would continue to use them in the interest of exposing the truth. (PROSE: Dummy Massacre [+]BBC webteam, Who is Doctor Who? (BBC, 2005)., The Doctor Was Involved in the Dummy Massacre [+]BBC webteam, Who is Doctor Who? (BBC, 2005)., etc.)
On 2 April 2005, the webmaster put up a picture of Rose Tyler, who had gone missing, and also thanked Harriet and kaite B for additional pictures. (PROSE: The Doctor Was Involved in the Dummy Massacre [+]BBC webteam, Who is Doctor Who? (BBC, 2005).)
After a Slitheen craft crashed into the Thames on 6 March 2006, (TV: Aliens of London [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 1 (BBC One, 2005).) pictures of "today's panic" began circulating. Mx posted on the website Who is Doctor Who?, sharing one such picture — seemingly taken by squidbaby23 — of the alien creature who piloted the ship. Mx also referred to this picture as "footage". (PROSE: Alien landing confirmed [+]BBC webteam, Who is Doctor Who? (BBC, 2005).)
After taking a photograph of Sip Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen on his mobile on 7 March 2006, (TV: World War Three [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 1 (BBC One, 2005).) Mickey shared the photograph on his website the following morning. (PROSE: Hoax This! [+]BBC webteam, Who is Doctor Who? (BBC, 2005).)
Victor Kennedy acquired photographs of Rose Tyler, which he shown to LINDA. One photograph, which also featured the TARDIS, was used by Elton Pope as he searched for Rose, with Mrs Croot leading him to Jackie Tyler. Though Elton and Jackie quickly became friends, Jackie found the photograph of Rose in Elton's coat pocket. Realising that Elton was using her to find the Tenth Doctor, Jackie angrily sent him away. (TV: Love & Monsters [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 2 (BBC One, 2006).)
Minnie Hooper took the opportunity to squeeze the Tenth Doctor's bottom as he had a photograph taken with the Silver Cloak group. (TV: The End of Time [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who Christmas Special 2009 and New Year Special 2010 (BBC One, 2009-2010).)
In the 2010s, Daryl Christofi took photographs of the sunken Elysium. (PROSE: Enthusiastic Amateur Diver Shares His Discoveries With You! [+]Daryl the Diver (Punchdrunk and BBC, 2011).)

One of the many pictures of Bill's mother taken by the Twelfth Doctor. (TV: The Pilot)
In Christmas 2017, the Twelfth Doctor discovered Bill Potts had no pictures of her mother. Then, he went back in time and took many photographs of her. When Bill arrived in her flat, her foster mother told her she had found a box full of pictures of Bill's mum. Bill went to her bedroom, and cried while looking at the pictures. (TV: The Pilot [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 10 (BBC One, 2017).)
When Bill moved to 11 Cardinal Road, she took at least one picture of her mother with her, and hung it on the wall of her new bedroom. (TV: Knock Knock [+]Mike Bartlett, Doctor Who series 10 (BBC One, 2017).)
When he arrived in a location he called "Kingdom United", Lucifer recorded a video in which he confessed to not owning a picture of his friend Lilith, confessing that he didn't go around the universe taking pictures of every single person he met. (WC: Mission: Find Lilith [+]Trevor Spencer, Hellscape (BBV Productions, TikTok and YouTube, 2023).)
As of 2024, Carla Sunday had around 500 printed photographs of her adoptive daughter Ruby Sunday, something that was significant in a time when photographs were typically kept on digital devices such as smart phones. (TV: Empire of Death [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 14 (BBC One and Disney+, 2024).)
In 2025 in an alternate timeline created by the Fifteenth Doctor stepping on a fairy circle, UNIT attempted to photograph the mysterious woman following Ruby Sunday, but even with their advanced technology succeeded in capturing only a blurred image that registered from a point of view of an average person's 20/20 eyesight as being from 73 yards, 219 feet. Ruby herself had bought the most expensive camera she could and still could not zoom in on the woman's face. (TV: 73 Yards [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 14 (BBC One and Disney+, 2024).)
On 23rd century Deimos, holograms were recorded on cameras in a similar way to photographs. (AUDIO: Deimos [+]Jonathan Morris, Eighth Doctor Adventures (Big Finish Productions, 2010).)
On 5 October 5087 on Kastarion 3, when Splice Alison Vater was disturbed upon seeing an AI representation of her father, John, it asked if she would like to look at some old photographs to remember the good times. (TV: Boom [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 14 (BBC One and Disney+, 2024).)
Undated events[]
River Song claimed to have pictures of all the Doctor's incarnations. She showed she had pictures of the first twelve incarnations of the Doctor from his first regeneration cycle. (TV: The Husbands of River Song [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who Christmas Special 2015 (BBC One, 2015).)
Frank once owned a photograph of his deceased wife and daughter in his room at the Village Inn. (PROSE: The Party in Room Four [+]Simon Guerrier, The Panda Book of Horror (2009).)
The Seventh Doctor's diary contained photos of: a Tetrap next to the Rani; the Seventh Doctor; the Seventh Doctor and the Rani, the latter whom was disguised as Melanie Bush; and the Seventh Doctor and Mel. (PROSE: First Day of the Doctor [+]Paul Lang, Doctor Who The Official Annual 2024 (Penguin Group, 2023). Page 30.)
In the Tenth Doctor's diary, there were photos of: the the Sycorax leader; the Tenth Doctor in his wardrobe; Rose Tyler next to a Sycorax; and of the Tenth Doctor standing next to the TARDIS. (PROSE: First Day of the Doctor [+]Paul Lang, Doctor Who The Official Annual 2024 (Penguin Group, 2023). Page 30.)
In the Eleventh Doctor's diary, there were photographs of: the Doctor, Amy Pond, and Rory Williams surrounded by Daleks in their Parliament; the Doctor riding a Triceratops on an ark, the Doctor, Amy, Rory, and the TARDIS surrounded by Weeping Angels; and the Doctor in Victorian London near the TARDIS, as well as portraits of Vastra and Strax, as well as a photograph of Clara, and another of Clara and the Doctor. (PROSE: The Doctor's Diary [+]Moray Laing, The Official 50th Anniversary Annual (Penguin Group, 2013). Pages 8-9.)
In the diary seemingly shared by both the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors, there were photographs of Clara in the Doctor's time-stream; the Eleventh, Tenth, and War Doctors in the TARDIS; the Eleventh Doctor about to regenerate; the Twelfth Doctor wearing a nightshirt in a bed; and on of a Dalek. (PROSE: The Doctor's Diary [+]Moray Laing, Doctor Who The Official Annual 2015 (Penguin Group, 2014). Pages 8-9.) The Twelfth Doctor's diary also included photos of a dinosaur in Victorian London, the Twelfth Doctor riding a horse, and of a hot-air balloon made of skin. (PROSE: First Day of the Doctor [+]Paul Lang, Doctor Who The Official Annual 2024 (Penguin Group, 2023). Page 31.)
The Thirteenth Doctor's diary contained two photos, one of "Tim Shaw", and another of the Doctor, Grace O'Brien, Yasmin Khan, Ryan Sinclair, and Graham O'Brien. (PROSE: First Day of the Doctor [+]Paul Lang, Doctor Who The Official Annual 2024 (Penguin Group, 2023). Page 31.)