
Presidential TARDIS

The Presidential TARDISes were TARDISes intended for use by the President of the High Council. Romana II found them all to be lacking in character. (AUDIO: Square One)

Romana and Mephistopheles Arkadian travelled to Gryben in a TARDIS from the TARDIS bay. (AUDIO: Weapon of Choice) Days later, Romana used one of the Presidential TARDISes to travel to the fake temporal summit and escaped from the planetoid with Leela and an unconscious V'rell inside. (AUDIO: Square One)

Narvin had "Torvald" escort Romana to a Presidential TARDIS to keep her out of his way, but she instead materialised it in front of the Vienna to Calais Transcontinental Express to scare them, dematerialising at the last moment. (AUDIO: A Blind Eye)

Romana used a Presidential TARDIS to take herself and Leela to Davidia (AUDIO: Spirit) and, after scrambling the imprimaturs, briefly used Wynter's TARDIS instead due to it being the only operational timeship on Gallifrey. (AUDIO: Fractures)

"The President's TARDIS" was sabotaged by the Eleven and destroyed by the Sonomancer with the President, Chancellor Jerasta, and an aide aboard. (AUDIO: Songs of Love)

v  e

Early versions

1212182030353940 (Model B) • 42434445505153545557586063657075808889 (128b161.55n+xpi-R-7601056771z) • 909193949798101102103104105120160341400560XX




BattleBullCapitolDiplomaticFamiliarJunkMasterParadox machinePresidentialTime StationWar

Owned by
The Doctor
The Master

AceAladraAnzorAstrolabusBerenyiBianca's CabaretIrving BraxiatelCarganCarvilIris Wildthyme's Celestial OmnibusChronotisClara OswaldThe ClocksmithThe ColonelCortalianDarkelDraxThe Eleven (Battle TARDIS) • Epsilon DeltaErisGalahGenestaThe GestaltGothJane TempletonJaradJaxaKarlaxLeoraKarina Stirling's Mysterious PyramidThe MagicianThe MonkNarvinOllistraOmegaOphiuchusPadracPartheusPredaQixotlThe RaniRassilonRobert KnoxRolloRomanaRuthvenSavar (The Needle)StanStraxusTamasanTamiraTraveUnnamed Time LordThe ValeyardVansellVassarianThe War Chief

Auld Mortality's
Silurian Earth
Parallel universe
Parallel universe
Unbound Universe
The Daft Dimension
Parallel universe
Infinity Doctor's reality
Inferno Earth
Alternate timeline
Parallel universe
The Warrior's
Parallel universe

AntipathyBabylonCassandraCompassionDemiEsperanzaFirst Great War TARDISGlindaJohannes RauschKlystKrakenLolitaLoverMarieMedeaPercivalShip of War and Culture and RitualSilver Spray

Briefly used
by the Doctor
Not used
by the Doctor
Similarly named