

In 1930, reports of disappearances from the New York City's Hoovervilles flooded in. (TV: Daleks in Manhattan)

In early 2005, A. Fergus was doing a report on the fifth birthday of the London Eye for 60 Seconds on BBC3, when the Ninth Doctor, with blood on his face, told Fergus and his crew to run, and despite them being hardened professionals, they ran like children, not stopping to ask questions. Fergus later wrote about his encounter on whoisdoctorwho.co.uk. (PROSE: Have You Seen This Man?)

UNIT's Sgt Catherine Petts, in 2006, shared a report on Rose Tyler on a secure operations board on the UNIT website. She mentioned that UNIT had a file that somewhat documented Peter Tyler's death, 1987/11-Be3a, which, among other things, "a cluster of reported anomalies". When Major Jenny Maguire asked if it would be to insert misinformation onto the UNIT website as opposed to changing the passwords following the discovery that Mickey Smith was using www.whoisdoctorwho.co.uk to release sensitive information, Sergeant A. Frederick told her, scoldingingly, that she "[didn't have] time to knock up a load of fake conspiracy theories and fudged reports about aliens". (PROSE: Rose Tyler)

By 2007, a blue sign with a white outline was included on the exterior of Deffry Vale High School, stating "ALL VISITORS AND DRIVERS REPORT TO RECEPTION". (TV: School Reunion)

Amongst the UNIT files affected by the Redaction in 2022, Shawna Thompson found a medical report which just said the sentence "gas exchange causes them to fart uncontrollably", to which Cleo Proctor quipped "well that's one for the dating profile." (AUDIO: Recruits [+]Ken Cheng, Redacted (BBC Sounds, 2022).)