Mr Single was a human individual at the Time Hotel in 4202 with a briefcase chained to his arm.
Mr Single approached the receptionist of the Time Hotel, asking her for a specific room. She, however, informed him that she could not make it available to him until the contemporaneous guests had vacated it. She suggested that he make use of the bar DeTamble's while he waited. His actions were observed by the Fifteenth Doctor, who found his behaviour strange.
Mr Single took the receptionist up on her offer and, once there, approached the barman, telling him "The star seed will bloom and the flesh will rise." The barman was confused by the statement, but he simply asked him to take the case and put it behind the bar. When, however, he held it out to him, it unchained itself from him and chained itself to the barman instead.
He then came over confused and disoriented, asking the barman what he was to do now. The barman told him to make himself comfortable and not attract attention, that he would shortly be dead. He then repeated his words that the star seed would bloom and the flesh would rise. Shortly after, Mr Single disintegrated. His consciousness was absorbed into the star seed and his image would later appear before the Doctor after Joy Almondo took the star seed into herself. (TV: Joy to the World [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who Christmas Special 2024 (BBC One and Disney+, 2024).)