So You Think You'd Make A Good Companion For Dr Who!
So You Think You'd Make A Good Companion For Dr Who! was a comical quiz by Tim Quinn and Dicky Howett published in DWMS Winter 1982 in which the reader could test themselves on if they would make a good companion to the Doctor.
Publisher's summary[]
Would you make a suitable Dr Who companion? Find out in this simple test.........
- The scenarios featured in the test are as follows:
- The Doctor tells you to stay behind in the TARDIS while he goes to investigate a distress signal on the deadly planet of the evil Zaxons.
- You enter the TARDIS for the first time.
- The TARDIS lands in your bedroom.
- After appearing as a companion for three seasons, the director asks you to lunch.
- You hear that the director from Blake's 7 is joining the programme.
- The Daleks team up with the Cybermen, the Ice Warriors, the Tremas Master, the Zarbi, the Mechonoids, the giant maggots, the Exxilons, the Zygons and Bok to exterminate the Doctor and his companions.
- If you ignore the Doctor's advice and go out for a packet of fags, you get captured by Zaxon Major.
- Upon entering the TARDIS, you can choose to comment upon its dimensional transcendentalism or criticise the colour scheme and 1963 style sci-fi furnishings.
- When the TARDIS lands in your bedroom you can fetch Arthur Negus to value an actual police box left over from the Nostalgia era or make use of it to store LEGO, Action Man accessories and and your Marvel Comics collection.
- When the director invites you to lunch you can start looking for another job or quit before you get typecast.
- After the director from Blake's 7 joins you can write out your last will and testament or start a petition to save the cast from the hands of the BBC Federation.
- Screaming is always an option.
- Sid runs Sid's Cafe.
- This marks the first work by Tim Quinn and Dicky Howett to be featured in a special edition of Doctor Who Magazine.