


You may be looking for the audio story.

Spring was a season of the year, followed by summer, autumn and winter. (TV: The Mutants)

Cultural references[]

Xipe Totec was the Aztec god of spring. (PROSE: The Left-Handed Hummingbird)


During World War II, Nazi Germany postposed plans to invade the United Kingdom during the winter of 1940, but Britons believed the enemy would return to the plan come the spring of 1941. (PROSE: Just War)

In either 1974 (PROSE: The Enfolded Time) or the 1980s, (AUDIO: Sympathy for the Devil) London was infested with dinosaurs brought forwards in time as part of Operation Golden Age. The Third Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith put a stop to the operation. (TV: Invasion of the Dinosaurs)

In 2016, the Barbara Wright Building was completed. (TV: The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo) Around this time, a new system of Governors were installed at Coal Hill Academy by EverUpwardReach Ltd. (TV: Brave-ish Heart)