

Tamasan was a Time Lady who fought in the Last Great Time War, rising from Commander to Commodore over the course of the conflict.


Through her lives, Tamasan worked in the ranks of the Time Lord army alongside Cardinal Ollistra during the Last Great Time War. She was trained by Commander Harlan and was on a frontline tour of duty for 120 years by the time of the Eighth Doctor's conscription. (AUDIO: The Conscript)

Working closely with her, Tamasan was very loyal to her cause, and willing to regenerate in battle if the situation required her to. (AUDIO: The Lords of Terror, The Famished Lands) She fought in the Navarra Cluster and regenerated into her fourth incarnation as a result. (AUDIO: The Conscript)

Not long after her third regeneration, Tamasan met the Doctor (then in his eighth body) on a jungle planet. (AUDIO: Echoes of War)

By the time she next met the Doctor, she had regenerated into the Fifth Tamasan, who was promoted from Commander to Major. (AUDIO: Planet of the Ogrons)

Shortly after, Tamasan regenerated once more, becoming the Sixth Tamasan. (AUDIO: State of Bliss) This incarnation, like her predecessors, worked with the Eighth Doctor, (AUDIO: The Famished Lands) but also with the War Doctor. (AUDIO: The Shadow Squad)