Tanganyika was a nation in Central West Africa. The country possessed vast mineral wealth. It was covered mostly by thick jungle and its population was widely dispersed.
In 1859, the Eighth Doctor and Charley Pollard visited Tanganyika in the hope of meeting the Victorian explorer Pieter Mon Marchè. (AUDIO: The Man Who Wasn't There)
In the late 1870s, Penelope Gate had been to Tanganyika during a year of travelling before her wedding. (PROSE: The Room With No Doors)
In 1989, there was an ebola virus outbreak in Tanganyika.
In 2013, general Theodoru took control over the country in an army coup, replacing a previous dictator with himself. In 2014, with his help, the Sentinels of the New Dawn intended to cause an ebola epidemic to take power. (AUDIO: The Sentinels of the New Dawn)
Alternate timeline[]
On the Silurian Earth in an alternate 1993, Lake Tanganyika and Lake Victoria were being enlarged to become inland fisheries. (PROSE: Blood Heat)
Behind the scenes[]
- In the real world, German East Africa (1885-1919) became the Territory of Tanganyika (1922-1961), which became the independent Republic of Tanganyika (1962-1964). In 1964, Tanganyika and Zanzibar merged together as Tanzania.
- Tanganyika was also located in East Africa, rather than West Africa as in the Doctor Who universe.