
Ted Moss

Ted Moss was a member of Maximillian Stael's coven in Fetchborough in the 1970s.


While wandering the woods there, Leela took Moss prisoner, holding a knife to his throat. He told the newly arrived Fourth Doctor that he had been sent to cut the verges by the council, to which Leela responded "Your council should choose its warriors more carefully. A child of the Sevateem could have taken you!"

Judging by their strange behaviour, Moss thought the Doctor and Leela had both escaped from somewhere. He told the Doctor, who offered him a jelly baby, about Fendelman's work at Fetch Priory. Leela released him and they parted.

Later, Moss went into Martha Tyler's cottage and, when Leela also came to the dwelling, he fired his gun at her through the open doorway. Leela pressed herself against the outside of the cottage to avoid harm and, when Moss came to the door, she overpowered and disarmed him. Jack Tyler managed to get Leela to give up the gun as she threatened to kill Moss by pretending he had a gun also, but Jack's "gun" was actually a walking stick. When Tyler asked why he was there, Moss said he was looking for Martha, who had something of his, he claimed, that he had paid good money for. Jack said he would get it and told him to leave, which he did, threatening reprisals on Leela as he went out — to which she responded "Get some practice first!"

When Thea Ransome was prepared for the ritual, Moss was among the members of the coven who gathered in the cellar of Fetch Priory. Ransome was transformed into a Fendahl core and set about killing members of the group — with Moss being her first victim, being turned into Fendahleen. (TV: Image of the Fendahl)