
The Diary of River Song



The Diary of River Song, also known simply as River Song,[1] was an audio spin-off series produced by Big Finish Productions beginning in 2015. It starred River Song, played by Alex Kingston.

The first series featured Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor. The second series featured Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor and Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor. The third series featured Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor. The fourth series featured Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor.

Breaking the previously-established format, series five did not feature the Doctor, but rather the Master. Each story featured a different incarnation of the Time Lord, including the first appearance of Eric Roberts' Master and Michelle Gomez' Missy in a Big Finish story.

It was Steven Moffat's idea to make River team up with previous Doctors on these boxsets, so she would work "her way back down his timeline". (VOR 95)


Series One[]

Main article: The Diary of River Song: Series One
# Title Author Featuring Released
1.1 The Boundless Sea Jenny T Colgan 25 December 2015
1.2 I Went to a Marvellous Party Justin Richards Rulers of the Universe
1.3 Signs James Goss
1.4 The Rulers of the Universe Matt Fitton Eighth Doctor, Rulers of the Universe

Series Two[]

Main article: The Diary of River Song: Series Two
# Title Author Featuring Released
2.1 The Unknown Guy Adams Seventh Doctor 25 December 2016
2.2 Five Twenty-Nine John Dorney Rachel Burrows
2.3 World Enough and Time James Goss Sixth Doctor, Speravores
2.4 The Eye of the Storm Matt Fitton Sixth Doctor, Seventh Doctor, Speravores

Series Three[]

Main article: The Diary of River Song: Series Three
# Title Author Featuring Released
3.1 The Lady in the Lake Nev Fountain Fifth Doctor, Brooke 1 23 January 2018
3.2 A Requiem for the Doctor Jacqueline Rayner
3.3 My Dinner with Andrew John Dorney Fifth Doctor, Madame Kovarian, Brooke 1, Brooke 2
3.4 The Furies Matt Fitton Fifth Doctor, Madame Kovarian, Brooke 2

Series Four[]

Main article: The Diary of River Song: Series Four
# Title Author Featuring Released
4.1 Time in a Bottle Emma Reeves, Matt Fitton Discordia 4 September 2018
4.2 Kings of Infinite Space Donald McLeary
4.3 Whodunnit? Matt Fitton
4.4 Someone I Once Knew John Dorney Fourth Doctor, Discordia

Series Five[]

Main article: The Diary of River Song: Series Five
# Title Author Featuring Released
5.1 The Bekdel Test Jonathan Morris Missy 22 January 2019
5.2 Animal Instinct Roy Gill Decayed Master, Luke
5.3 The Lifeboat and the Deathboat Eddie Robson Roberts Master
5.4 Concealed Weapon Scott Handcock War Master

Series Six[]

Main article: The Diary of River Song: Series Six
# Title Author Featuring Released
6.1 An Unearthly Woman Matt Fitton First Doctor, Susan, Ian, Barbara 27 August 2019
6.2 The Web of Time John Dorney Captain Knight, Great Intelligence, Robot Yeti
6.3 Peepshow Guy Adams Third Doctor, Ogrons, Sontarans, Drashigs
6.4 The Talents of Greel Paul Morris Jago, Casey, Chang, Mr Sin, Greel

Series Seven[]

Main article: The Diary of River Song: Series Seven
# Title Author Featuring Released
7.1 Colony of Strangers James Goss 8 January 2020
7.2 Abbey of Heretics Lizbeth Myles
7.3 Barrister to the Stars James Kettle
7.4 Carnival of Angels Roy Gill Luke, Weeping Angels

Series Eight[]

Main article: The Diary of River Song: Series Eight
# Title Author Featuring Released
8.1 Slight Glimpses of Tomorrow James Goss Rachel Burrows 27 January 2021
8.2 A Brave New World Tracy Ann Baines Tenth Doctor, Rachel Burrows
8.3 A Forever Home Alfie Shaw K9
8.4 Queen of the Mechonoids Jonathan Morris Mechonoids, Anya Kingdom, Mark Seven

New Recruit[]

Main article: New Recruit (audio anthology)
# Title Author Featuring Released
9.1 The Blood Woods Lizbeth Myles Liz Shaw, the Brig 27 October 2021
9.2 Terror of the Suburbs James Kettle Liz Shaw
9.3 Never Alone Helen Goldwyn
9.4 Rivers of Light Lisa McMullin Liz Shaw, the Brig, Third Doctor, The Master

Two Rivers and a Firewall[]

Main article: Two Rivers and a Firewall (audio anthology)
# Title Author Featuring Released
10.1 The Two Rivers Tim Foley 3 August 2022
10.2 Beauty on the Inside Lizzie Hopley
10.3 Black Friday Lauren Mooney & Stewart Pringle Autons
10.4 Firewall Barnaby Kay Proper Dave

Series Eleven[]

Main article: Friend of the Family (audio story)
# Title Author Featuring Released
11 Friend of the Family Tim Foley 12 January 2023

The Orphan Quartet[]

Main article: The Orphan Quartet (audio anthology)
# Title Author Featuring Released
12.1 The Excise Men Lou Morgan 22 August 2023
12.2 Harvest of the Krotons James Goss Jackie, Krotons
12.3 Dead Man Talking Tim Foley
12.4 The Wife of River Song Lizzie Hopley Brooke 2

Special Releases[]

The Eighth of March[]

Main article: The Eighth of March (audio anthology)

The first story of The Eighth of March was a special release for The Diary of River Song.

# Title Author Featuring Released
1 Emancipation Lisa McMullin River, Leela 8 March 2019

Cover gallery[]

External links[]


  1. The credits for each episode of New Recruit refer to the box set as River Song: New Recruit.

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The Diary of River Song audio series
Series One
Series Two
Series Three
Series Four
Series Five
Series Six
Series Seven
Series Eight
New Recruit
Two Rivers and
a Firewall
Series Eleven
The Orphan Quartet
Special releases

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Big Finish Doctor Who series and spin-offs
Classic Series
New Series
Series that have never starred the Doctor are excluded from this list.
Time War
"New Series"
The Worlds
of Doctor Who
These anthologies were released to celebrate anniversaries.
These stories feature Doctor Who characters, but do not primarily star the Doctor.
Special Releases
The Worlds
of Big Finish
Special Releases
These DWU characters have never been owned by the BBC.